- play the wag
- увиливать от занятий, прогуливать
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
hop the wag — Vrb phrs. To play truant. E.g. You see far too many school kids hopping the wag … English slang and colloquialisms
wag — I. /wæg / (say wag) verb (wagged, wagging) –verb (t) 1. to move from side to side, forwards and backwards, or up and down, especially rapidly and repeatedly: the dog wagged its tail. 2. to move (the tongue) in talking. 3. to shake (a finger) at… …
wag — 1. verb a) To swing from side to side, especially of an animals tail My misfortunes all began in wagging, Sir; but what could I do, exceptin wag? Excepting what? said Mr. Carker. Wag, Sir. Wagging from school. Do you mean pretending to go there,… … Wiktionary
wag — 1. v. & n. v. (wagged, wagging) 1 tr. & intr. shake or wave rapidly or energetically to and fro. 2 intr. archaic (of the world, times, etc.) go along with varied fortune or characteristics. n. a single wagging motion (with a wag of his tail).… … Useful english dictionary
play truant — stay away from school, truant; Brit. informal skive (off), bunk off; Irish informal mitch (off); N. Amer. informal play hookey, goof off; … Useful english dictionary
wag it — vb British to play truant. A modern version of the phrase hop the wag , in which the wag in question is a shortening of waggon. The Australian term wag and its extension wag off are other modern derivations. All these kids , says Marjorie disap… … Contemporary slang
wag off — vb to bunk off, play truant. This 1980s var iant on the old phrases hop the wag and on the wag , used by schoolchil dren, is heard in Britain and Australia. (The word was defined for viewers in a report on Newsround, a BBC TV chil dren s… … Contemporary slang
wag — vb Australian to play truant. A variant of the older British form hop the wag , in which the wag in question is a shortening of wag gon. ► And don t you go wagging school this af ternoon either 1 might be bringing Frank round. (Richmond Hill,… … Contemporary slang
wag — I Australian Slang skip school or work; truancy II Yorkshire Dialect Play Truant III A Geordie Dictionary Playing the wag is playing truant … English dialects glossary
The Ancestral Trail — When he who is the Chosen One Shall tread upon the Ancient Path And battle there to overcome The Forces of Dark Then shall the Seven be restored And evil banished from this world The Ancestral Trail is a now out of print partwork magazine that… … Wikipedia
The Colbert Report — logo Genre Comedy, Satire, News parody … Wikipedia