- play havoc
1) сеять панику
2) разрушать, губить
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
play havoc — Playing havoc with something is creating disorder and confusion; computer viruses can play havoc with your programs … The small dictionary of idiomes
play havoc — ● play … Useful english dictionary
play havoc — Playing havoc with something is creating disorder and confusion; computer viruses can play havoc with your programs. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If someone or something plays havoc, they cause disorder and confusion. The floods … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Play havoc — Playing havoc with something is creating disorder and confusion; computer viruses can play havoc with your programs … Dictionary of English idioms
play\ havoc\ with — • play havoc with • raise havoc with v. phr. To cause destruction; ruin; injure badly. The storm played havoc with the apple orchard. When Ralph was arrested for stealing the car, it played havoc with his plans for going to college. When Mr.… … Словарь американских идиом
play havoc with (something) — 1. to cause someone to have trouble doing something. Strong winds played havoc with her golf game. 2. to damage something. Stormy conditions played havoc with the fishing … New idioms dictionary
play havoc with — ► play havoc with completely disrupt. Main Entry: ↑havoc … English terms dictionary
play havoc with — index disorganize, prejudice (injure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
play havoc with — phrasal or raise havoc with : to do great damage to : render ineffectual : throw into disorder and confusion * * * play havoc with see under ↑play • • • Main Entry: ↑havoc * * * I completely disrupt; cause serious damage to … Useful english dictionary
play havoc with — or[raise havoc with] {v. phr.} To cause destruction; ruin; injure badly. * /The storm played havoc with the apple orchard./ * /When Ralph was arrested for stealing the car, it played havoc with his plans for going to college./ * /When Mr. White… … Dictionary of American idioms
play havoc with — or[raise havoc with] {v. phr.} To cause destruction; ruin; injure badly. * /The storm played havoc with the apple orchard./ * /When Ralph was arrested for stealing the car, it played havoc with his plans for going to college./ * /When Mr. White… … Dictionary of American idioms