platform basin

platform basin
платформенный бассейн

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "platform basin" в других словарях:

  • Platform (geology) — Geologic provinces of the world (USGS)   Shield …   Wikipedia

  • Apulia Carbonate Platform — The Apulia Carbonate Platform in Apulia, Italy was a major palaeogeographic element of the southern margin of the Mesozoic Tethys Ocean. It is one of the so called peri Adriatic platforms, which are comparable to the Bahama Banks in their… …   Wikipedia

  • London Basin — The London Basin is an elongated, roughly triangular syncline approximately convert|250|km|mi long which underlies London and a large area of south east England and south eastern East Anglia. BoundaryThe edges of the basin are rather arbitrary,… …   Wikipedia

  • Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin — Infobox Oil field name = Bend Arch Fort Worth Basin Province region = North Central Texas country = United States coordinates = locblock = offonshore = Onshore operators = Devon Energy, Chesapeake Energy, EOG Resources, XTO Energy, EnCana, Range …   Wikipedia

  • Permian Basin — ▪ area, Texas, United States also called  West Texas Basin   large sedimentary basin in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, U.S., noted for its rich petroleum, natural gas, and potassium deposits. Due to its economic importance, it is one… …   Universalium

  • Carnarvon Basin — The Carnarvon Basin is a geological basin located in the north west of Western Australia.[1] This is the main geological feature that makes up the North West Shelf The onshore part of the Carnarvon Basin covers about 115,000 km² and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Murray-Darling basin — Map of the Murray Darling Basin The Murray Darling basin is a large geographical area in the interior of southeastern Australia, whose name is derived from its two major rivers, the Murray River and the Darling River. It drains one seventh of the …   Wikipedia

  • Sirte Basin — The Sirte Basin is a late Mesozoic and Tertiary triple junction continental rift (extensional basin) along northern Africa that was initiated during the late Jurassic Period. It borders a relatively stable Paleozoic craton and cratonic sag basins …   Wikipedia

  • Limehouse Basin — The Limehouse Basin in Limehouse, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets provides a navigable link between the Regent s Canal and the River Thames, through the Limehouse Basin Lock. A basin in the north of Mile End, near Victoria Park connects… …   Wikipedia

  • Murray-Darling Basin — The Murray Darling Basin is 3,375km long, drains one seventh of the Australian land mass, and is currently by far the most significant agricultural area in Australia. The name of the basin is derived from its two major rivers, the Murray River… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnolia (oil platform) — Magnolia is an offshore oil drilling and production Extended Tension Leg Platform in the Gulf of Mexico. It is the world s deepest ETLP, reaching 1,432 m (4,698 ft), beating the Marco Polo TLP by 120 m (390 ft).[1] The hull… …   Wikipedia

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