- plateresque
- слишком пышный, вычурный, аляповатый
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
plateresque — [ platrɛsk ] adj. • 1877; esp. plateresco, de plata « argent » ♦ Didact. Se dit d un style d architecture et de décoration de la Renaissance espagnole caractérisé par des ornements baroques (comme le manuélin portugais). ● plateresque adjectif… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Plateresque — refers to the 15th and 16th century art form in Spain, characterized by an ornate style of architecture. This form was soon transferred to Spanish owned colonies in America. The terms means, in the manner of a silversmith. Distinct examples of… … Wikipedia
Plateresque — Plat er*esque , a. [Sp. resco, from plata silver.] (Arch.) Resembling silver plate; said of certain architectural ornaments. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plateresque — La façade de l Université de Salamanque et ses motifs sculptés, typiques du premier art plateresque … Wikipédia en Français
plateresque — /plat euh resk /, adj. (sometimes cap.) noting or pertaining to a 16th century style of Spanish architecture characterized by profuse applications of delicate low relief Renaissance ornament to isolated parts of building exteriors. [1835 45; < Sp … Universalium
PLATERESQUE (ART) — PLATERESQUE AR On doit voir dans le style plateresque une manière d’art national espagnol, dont l’originalité apparaît avec une particulière netteté par rapport à l’Escorial, qui lui sert en quelque sorte de repoussoir. La dénomination, qui… … Encyclopédie Universelle
plateresque — adjective Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Spanish plateresco, from platero silversmith, from plata silver Date: circa 1864 of, relating to, or being a 16th century Spanish architectural style characterized by elaborate ornamentation… … New Collegiate Dictionary
plateresque — adjective Pertaining to an ornate style of architecture of 16th century Spain suggestive of silver plate … Wiktionary
plateresque — [ˌplatə rɛsk] adjective (especially of Spanish architecture) richly ornamented in a style suggesting silverware. Origin C19: from Sp. plateresco, from platero silversmith , from plata silver … English new terms dictionary
plateresque — plat·er·esque … English syllables
plateresque — /plætəˈrɛsk/ (say platuh resk) adjective denoting an ornate style of architecture much used in 16th century Spain, characterised by many ornamental motifs. {plater (stem of Spanish platero silversmith) + esque} …