plate camera
Смотреть что такое "plate camera" в других словарях:
Camera — For other uses, see Camera (disambiguation). Various cameras A camera is a device that records and stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura… … Wikipedia
Camera sans fil — Caméra sans fil Une caméra sans fil peut être de deux types : Caméra RF (radio fréquence) ou Caméra HF (Haute Fréquence). Le système est commercialisé sous forme de : kit (transmission, réception, connectique, alimentations) ;… … Wikipédia en Français
Caméra Sans Fil — Une caméra sans fil peut être de deux types : Caméra RF (radio fréquence) ou Caméra HF (Haute Fréquence). Le système est commercialisé sous forme de : kit (transmission, réception, connectique, alimentations) ; caméra seule et son… … Wikipédia en Français
Camera ready — is a common term used in the commercial printing industry meaning that a document is, from a technical standpoint, ready to go to press, or be printed. In live television, camera ready refers to a person s presentability such as a newsreader… … Wikipedia
Camera — Cam e*ra, n.; pl. E. {Cameras}, L. {Camerae}. [L. vault, arch, LL., chamber. See {Chamber}.] A chamber, or instrument having a chamber. Specifically: The {camera obscura} when used in photography. See {Camera}, and {Camera obscura}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
camera — [kam′ər ə, kam′rə] n. pl. cameras; also for CAMERA 1, camerae [kam′ər ē΄] [L camera, vault < Gr kamara, vaulted chamber < IE base * kam , to arch] 1. a chamber; specif., the private office of a judge 2. short for CAMERA OBSCURA 3. [ … English World dictionary
plate|hold|er — «PLAYT HOHL duhr», noun. 1. Photography. a receptacle impervious to light, for holding a sensitized plate, used for exposing the plate within the camera by the removal of a slide, and for carrying the plate before and after using. 2. a bracket… … Useful english dictionary
Camera obscura — Cam e*ra ob*scu ra [LL. camera chamber + L. obscurus, obscura, dark.] (Opt.) 1. An apparatus in which the images of external objects, formed by a convex lens or a concave mirror, are thrown on a paper or other white surface placed in the focus of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
camera-ready — [kam′ər əred΄ē] adj. Printing designating or of copy, artwork, etc. that is ready to be photographed for making into a plate for printing … English World dictionary
camera — /kam euhr euh, kam reuh/, n., pl. cameras for 1,2, camerae / euh ree/ for 3, adj. n. 1. a boxlike device for holding a film or plate sensitive to light, having an aperture controlled by a shutter that, when opened, admits light enabling an object … Universalium
Camera obscura — This article is about an optical device. For other uses, see Camera obscura (disambiguation) … Wikipedia