plaster form

plaster form
гипсовая форма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "plaster form" в других словарях:

  • Plaster veneer — is a construction methodology for surfacing interior walls, by applying a thin layer of plaster over a substrate typically over specially formulated drywall.History ). Later, drywall became a standard. Typically, drywall is surfaced using the mud …   Wikipedia

  • plaster — [plas′tər, pläs′tər] n. [ME < OE plaster & OFr plastre, both < LL plastrum, for L emplastrum < Gr emplastron, plaster < emplassein, to daub over < en, on, in + plassein, to form: see PLASTIC] 1. a pasty mixture, as of lime or… …   English World dictionary

  • plaster — ► NOUN 1) a soft mixture of lime with sand or cement and water for spreading on walls and ceilings to form a smooth hard surface when dried. 2) (also plaster of Paris) a hard white substance made by adding water to powdered gypsum, used for… …   English terms dictionary

  • Plaster — The term plaster can refer to plaster of Paris, lime plaster, or cement plaster. This article deals mainly with plaster of Paris.Plaster of Paris is a type of building material based on calcium sulfate hemihydrate, nominally CaSO4·0.5H2O. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Plaster cast — This article is on plaster copies made of sculptures and other objects. For the use of plaster casts in medicine, see Orthopedic cast. A plaster cast is a copy made in plaster of another 3 dimensional form, usually a metal or stone sculpture… …   Wikipedia

  • plaster — plasterer, n. plasteriness, n. plasterlike, plastery, adj. /plas teuhr, plah steuhr/, n. 1. a composition, as of lime or gypsum, sand, water, and sometimes hair or other fiber, applied in a pasty form to walls, ceilings, etc., and allowed to… …   Universalium

  • plaster of Paris — calcined gypsum in white, powdery form, used as a base for gypsum plasters, as an additive of lime plasters, and as a material for making fine and ornamental casts: characterized by its ability to set rapidly when mixed with water. Also, plaster… …   Universalium

  • plaster — plas|ter1 [ plæstər ] noun * 1. ) uncount a substance that is spread onto walls and ceilings to form a hard smooth surface 2. ) count or uncount BRITISH a thin piece of cloth or plastic that is sticky on one side, and that you put on your skin to …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • plaster — I UK [ˈplɑːstə(r)] / US [ˈplæstər] noun Word forms plaster : singular plaster plural plasters * 1) [uncountable] a substance that is spread onto walls and ceilings to form a hard smooth surface 2) [countable] British a thin piece of cloth or… …   English dictionary

  • plaster — n. & v. n. 1 a soft pliable mixture esp. of lime putty with sand or Portland cement etc. for spreading on walls, ceilings, etc., to form a smooth hard surface when dried. 2 Brit. = sticking plaster (see STICK(2)). 3 hist. a curative or protective …   Useful english dictionary

  • plaster — plas•ter [[t]ˈplæs tər, ˈplɑ stər[/t]] n. 1) bui a composition, as of lime or gypsum, sand, and water, applied in a pasty form to walls, ceilings, etc., and allowed to harden and dry 2) chem. powdered gypsum 3) bui fia plaster of Paris 4) med a… …   From formal English to slang

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