- plasmapause
- сущ. физ. плазмапауза (внешняя граница ионосферы) (физическое) плазмапауза (внешняя граница ионосферы)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
plasmapause — ● plasmapause nom féminin Limite externe de la plasmasphère d une planète … Encyclopédie Universelle
plasmapause — /plaz meuh pawz /, n. Astron. the boundary of the plasmasphere, where the particle density decreases very rapidly. [1965 70; PLASMA + PAUSE] * * * ▪ atmospheric science portion of the magnetosphere that rotates with the Earth at about four… … Universalium
plasmapause — noun The sharp outer boundary of the plasmasphere … Wiktionary
plasmapause — /ˈplæzməpɔz/ (say plazmuhpawz) noun the outer boundary of the plasma encircling the earth …
plasmapause — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: plasma + pause : the outer boundary of a plasmasphere … Useful english dictionary
Plasmasphere — The plasmasphere, or inner magnetosphere is a region of the Earth s magnetosphere consisting of low energy (cool) plasma. It is located above the ionosphere. The outer boundary of the plasmasphere is known as the plasmapause, which is defined by… … Wikipedia
Don Carpenter (electrical engineer) — Donald L. Carpenter is a Space Scientist, Professor (Research) Emeritus in the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford University. Known as co discoverer of the “knee,” or sharp dropoff (later called the plasmapause) in the radial profile… … Wikipedia
Plasmasphäre — torusförmige Plasmasphäre Plasma und Magnetosphäre … Deutsch Wikipedia
плазмопауза — Внешняя граница плазмосферы, образованная силовыми линиями геомагнитного поля, на которой плотность плазмы падает в 10 103 раз до концентрации 0,1 1,0 см 3 . Примечание Плазмопауза расположена на силовых линиях, удаленных от Земли в… … Справочник технического переводчика
Polar wind — is the permanent outflow of ionization from the polar regions of the magnetosphere. [http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse?s=p p=43 AMS Glossary] ] Ionospheric Plasma SourceThe ‘ground state’ of the ionosphere consists of the baseline … Wikipedia
L-shell — The L shell, L value, or McIlwain L parameter (after Carl McIlwain) is a parameter describing a particular set of planetary magnetic field lines. Colloquially, L value often describes the set of magnetic field lines which cross the Earth s… … Wikipedia