plasma dynamics
Смотреть что такое "plasma dynamics" в других словарях:
plasma dynamics — plazmos dinamika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. plasma dynamics vok. Plasmadynamik, f rus. динамика плазмы, f pranc. dynamique de plasma, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Nonequilibrium Gas and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory — The Nonequilibrium Gas and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory (NGPDL) at the Aerospace Engineering Department of the University of Michigan is headed by Professor Iain Boyd and performs research of nonequilibrium gases and plasmas involving the… … Wikipedia
Nonequilibrium Gas and Plasma dynamics group — A research group in the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, run by Professor Iain Boyd. The group is active in the development and application of numerical models for the simulation of nonequilibrium gas and … Wikipedia
Plasma (physics) — For other uses, see Plasma. Plasma lamp, illustrating some of the more complex phenomena of a plasma, including filamentation. The colors are a result of relaxation of electrons in excited states to lower energy states after they have recombined… … Wikipedia
Dynamics Explorer — Dynamics Explorers 1 and 2 prior to launch on a Delta booster. Operator NASA Mission type Atmospheric observation … Wikipedia
Plasma acceleration — is a technique for accelerating charged particles, such as electrons, positrons and ions, using an electric field associated with an electron plasma wave. The wave is created by the passage of a very brief laser or electron pulse through the… … Wikipedia
Plasma-based weaponry — is any group of weapons designed to use high energy ionized gas or plasma , typically created by superheating lasers or superfrequency devices. There has been notable interest in its development. One plasma prototype weapon exists in Russia which … Wikipedia
Plasma fountain — is in the North Pole of the Earth. This figure depicts the oxygen, helium, and hydrogen ions that gush into space from regions near the Earth s poles. The faint yellow gas shown above the north pole represents gas lost from Earth into space; the… … Wikipedia
Plasma Pong — Infobox VG title = Plasma Pong caption = Plasma Pong 1.3c developer = Steve Taylor publisher = distributor = designer = license = Proprietary series = engine = version = 1.3c released = April 20, 2007 genre = Arcade Game modes = ratings =… … Wikipedia
IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society — The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) is a transnational group of about 3000 professional engineers and scientists.[1] The IEEE affiliated Society sponsors 5 major annual, and six biennial conferences and symposia. It also sponsors… … Wikipedia
Asian African Association for Plasma Training — The Asian African Association for Plasma Training, or AAAPT, is an organization/network founded on 7 June, 1988 to provide facilities for plasma research by small research groups in developing countries.Originally, it consisted of nineteen… … Wikipedia