- plants
- Объекты plants: crop ~ pl хлебные злаки plants: crop ~ pl хлебные злаки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
plants — plants; plants·man; … English syllables
PLANTS — Research into the flora mentioned in the ancient Hebrew literature is grounded on the basic assumption that within historical times no fundamental changes have taken place in the country s climate (see agriculture ). This assumption, which allows … Encyclopedia of Judaism
plants — The most recent and most authoritative work on the folklore of plants in the British Isles is Roy Vickery s A Dictionary of Plant Lore (1995), drawing on information gathered between 1981 and 1994, as well as on previous books and journals. It … A Dictionary of English folklore
plants — Regarded in the OT as gifts of God to be valued and not consumed selfishly or greedily (Gen. 1:29–30; 3:18), especially the vine (2 Kgs. 19:29). In the NT plants and planting are used metaphorically of God s work (Matt. 15:13) and people s… … Dictionary of the Bible
plants — • göt, tacka, stång, plants … Svensk synonymlexikon
plants — augalai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Organizmai, sudarantys augalų karalystę (regnum Plantae). Dauguma yra autotrofai: naudodami Saulės spindulių energiją iš anglies dioksido ir vandens gamina organines medžiagas… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Plants in the Bible — • Discusses all of the types of plants mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Plants in the Bible Plants in the Bible … Catholic encyclopedia
Plants vs. Zombies — Разработчик PopCap Games Издатель … Википедия
Plants Plus — is an Australian marketing and buying group operated on behalf of independently owned garden centres. Each member nursery pays an annual fee for membership. In return, they trade under the Plants Plus banner, sell Plants Plus branded garden… … Wikipedia
Plants vs. Zombies — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Plants vs. Zombies Desarrolladora(s) PopCap Games Distribuidora(s) PopCap Games Diseñador(es) PopCap … Wikipedia Español
Plants for a Future — (PFAF) is an online not for profit resource for those interested in edible and useful plants of temperate regions. The project currently has two sites in the South West of England where many of the plants are being grown on a trial basis, and… … Wikipedia