planetary train
Смотреть что такое "planetary train" в других словарях:
planetary — [plan′ə ter΄ē] adj. [Fr planetaire] 1. of or having to do with a planet or the planets 2. terrestrial; global 3. wandering; erratic 4. moving in an orbit, like a planet 5. designating or of an epicyclic train of gears, as in an automobile… … English World dictionary
planetary — adjective Date: 1607 1. a. of, relating to, being, or resembling a planet b. erratic, wandering c. having a motion like that of a planet < planetary electrons > d. immense < the scope of this project has reached planetary proportions > 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Planetary Grand Tour — Trajectoires du programme Voyager, version allégée (pour des raisons budgétaires) du Grand Tour . Le Planetary Grand Tour (Grand tour planétaire) était un programme d exploration planétaire ambitieux de la NASA consistant à envoyer des sondes… … Wikipédia en Français
planetary — /plan i ter ee/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling a planet or the planets. 2. wandering; erratic. 3. terrestrial; global. 4. Mach. noting or pertaining to an epicyclic gear train in which a sun gear is linked to one or more planet gears… … Universalium
planetary gear — noun an outer gear that revolves about a central sun gear of an epicyclic train • Syn: ↑epicyclic gear, ↑planet wheel, ↑planet gear • Hypernyms: ↑gear, ↑gear wheel, ↑geared wheel, ↑cogwheel … Useful english dictionary
planetary — plan•e•tar•y [[t]ˈplæn ɪˌtɛr i[/t]] adj. n. pl. tar•ies. adj. 1) astron. of, pertaining to, or resembling a planet or the planets 2) wandering; erratic 3) terrestrial; global 4) mac an epicyclic gear train in which a sun gear is linked to one or… … From formal English to slang
planetary — /ˈplænətəri/ (say planuhtuhree), / tri/ (say tree) adjective 1. of, relating to, of the nature of, or resembling a planet or the planets. 2. wandering or erratic. 3. terrestrial or mundane. 4. Machinery denoting or relating to a form of… …
planetary gear train — noun an assembly of meshed gears consisting of a central (sun) gear, a coaxial internal gear wheel and one or more intermediate pinions supported on a revolving carrier … Wiktionary
Wheel train (horology) — In horology, a wheel train (or just train) is the gear train of a mechanical watch or clock.[1] Although the term is used for other types of gear trains, the long history of mechanical timepieces has created a traditional terminology for their… … Wikipedia
Maglev train proposals — This is a list of proposed Maglev trains worldwide. Europe Germany Munich: A Transrapid connection of the Bavarian capital Munich to its international airport (37 km) had been planned. It promised to reduce the current connection time via S Bahn… … Wikipedia
Programme Planetary Observer — Mars Observer est la seule mission de ce programme à avoir été lancée. Le Programme Planetary Observer est un programme spatial de la NASA lancé dans les années 1980. Il était destiné à développer des missions à cout modéré à destination des… … Wikipédia en Français