- plane locus
- мат. геометрическое место плоскостей
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Plane locus — Locus Lo cus, n.; pl. {Loci}, & {Loca}. [L., place. Cf. {Allow}, {Couch}, {Lieu}, {Local}.] 1. A place; a locality. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Locus — Lo cus, n.; pl. {Loci}, & {Loca}. [L., place. Cf. {Allow}, {Couch}, {Lieu}, {Local}.] 1. A place; a locality. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface described… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
locus — [lō′kəs] n. pl. loci [lō′sī΄] [L: see LOCAL] 1. a place 2. Genetics the position on a chromosome occupied by a particular gene 3. Math. a) any system of points, lines, etc. which satisfies one or more given conditions … English World dictionary
Solid locus — Locus Lo cus, n.; pl. {Loci}, & {Loca}. [L., place. Cf. {Allow}, {Couch}, {Lieu}, {Local}.] 1. A place; a locality. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plane curve — noun the locus of points in the Euclidean plane that satisfies some geometric or algebraic definition … Wiktionary
Root locus — In control theory, the root locus is the locus of the poles and zeros of a transfer function as the system gain K is varied on some interval. The root locus is a useful tool for analyzing single input single output (SISO) linear dynamic systems.… … Wikipedia
Cubic plane curve — A selection of cubic curves. See information page for details. Cubic curve redirects here. For information on polynomial functions of degree 3, see Cubic function. In mathematics, a cubic plane curve is a plane algebraic curve C defined by a… … Wikipedia
radical plane — noun : a plane that is the locus of points from which tangents drawn to two given spheres are equal … Useful english dictionary
Loca — Locus Lo cus, n.; pl. {Loci}, & {Loca}. [L., place. Cf. {Allow}, {Couch}, {Lieu}, {Local}.] 1. A place; a locality. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Loci — Locus Lo cus, n.; pl. {Loci}, & {Loca}. [L., place. Cf. {Allow}, {Couch}, {Lieu}, {Local}.] 1. A place; a locality. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The line traced by a point which varies its position according to some determinate law; the surface… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
SABBATICUS Amnis — de quo sic Iosephus Bell. Iud. l. 7. c. 23. Τῖτος δὲ Καῖςαρ, κρόνον μέν τινα διέτριψεν εν Βηρυτῷ, καθὰ προειρήκαμεν. Θεᾶται δὲ κατὰ την` πορείαν ποταμοῦ φύ???ιν ἄξιον ἱςτορηθην̑αι. Ρ῾εῖ μὲν γὰρ μέσος Α᾿ρκαίας τῆς Α᾿γρίππα βα???ιλείας καὶ… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale