plane continuum
Смотреть что такое "plane continuum" в других словарях:
plane continuum — plokščiasis kontinuumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. plane continuum vok. Flachkontinuum, n rus. плоский континуум, m pranc. continuum plan, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
continuum plan — plokščiasis kontinuumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. plane continuum vok. Flachkontinuum, n rus. плоский континуум, m pranc. continuum plan, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Continuum (John Mayer album) — Continuum Studio album by John Mayer Released September 9, 2006 … Wikipedia
Plane of immanence — is a founding concept in the metaphysics or ontology of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Immanence, meaning existing or remaining within generally offers a relative opposition to transcendence, a divine or empirical beyond (constituting the… … Wikipedia
Continuum (topology) — In the mathematical field of point set topology, a continuum (pl continua) is a nonempty compact connected metric space, or less frequently, a compact connected Hausdorff topological space. Continuum theory is the branch of topology devoted to… … Wikipedia
Plane (Magic: The Gathering) — In Magic: The Gathering, planes are parallel universes in the Multiverse (which used to be referred to as Dominia.) Planes are often confused with planets by Magic players, because most planes are named after their primary planets. The two main… … Wikipedia
Continuum — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Continuum », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Un continuum est un ensemble d éléments tels … Wikipédia en Français
Plane (metaphysics) — In metaphysics and esoteric cosmology, a plane, other than the physical plane, is conceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe.The concept may be found in religious, metaphysical and esoteric teachings… … Wikipedia
Indecomposable continuum — Construction of the BJK continuum In point set topology, an indecomposable continuum is a continuum that is not the union of any two of its proper subcontinua. The pseudo arc is an example of a hereditarily indecomposable continuum. L. E. J.… … Wikipedia
Q Continuum — The Q Base of operations Q Continuum Affiliation none In the fictional televised Star Trek universe, the Q Continuum is an extradimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of extremely powerful, hyper intelligent beings known as the Q.… … Wikipedia
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift — Promo Poster of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift featuring (clockwise from left) Tsubaki, Noel, Hazama/Terumi, Ragna and Jin. Developer(s) Arc System Works … Wikipedia