- place of consignment
- место назначения груза
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Consignment — Con*sign ment, n. 1. The act of consigning; consignation. [1913 Webster] 2. (Com.) The act of consigning or sending property to an agent or correspondent in another place, as for care, sale, etc. [1913 Webster] 3. (Com.) That which is consigned;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
consignment — [[t]kənsa͟ɪnmənt[/t]] consignments N COUNT: oft N of n A consignment of goods is a load that is being delivered to a place or person. The first consignment of food has already left Bologna. Syn: batch … English dictionary
consignment free from pests (place of production) — kenksmingaisiais organizmais neužkrėstas krovinys, laukas ar gamybos vieta statusas Aprobuotas sritis augalų apsauga ir karantino priemonės apibrėžtis Krovinys, laukas ar gamybos vieta, kur fitosanitarinių procedūrų metu nebuvo aptikta… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
consignment — The act or process of consigning goods; the transportation of goods consigned; an article or collection of goods sent to a factor; goods or property sent, by the aid of a common carrier, from one person in one place to another person in another… … Black's law dictionary
consignment — The act or process of consigning goods; the transportation of goods consigned; an article or collection of goods sent to a factor; goods or property sent, by the aid of a common carrier, from one person in one place to another person in another… … Black's law dictionary
Pike Place Market — Pike Place Public Market Historic District U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district … Wikipedia
Cobb Place — is a shopping center at 840 (originally numbered 800) Barrett Parkway in northern Cobb County, Georgia, just southeast of Kennesaw (a suburb of Atlanta). It opened in 1987, the year after the main shopping attraction at Town Center at Cobb mall,… … Wikipedia
arrive — /ə raɪv/ verb to reach a place ● The consignment has still not arrived. ● The shipment arrived without any documentation. ● The plane arrives in Sydney at 04.00. ● The train leaves Paris at 09.20 and arrives at Bordeaux two hours later. (NOTE:… … Dictionary of banking and finance
creative accounting — Misleadingly optimistic, though not illegal, forms of accounting. This can occur because there are a number of accounting transactions that are not subject to regulations or the regulations are ambiguous. Companies sometimes make use of these… … Accounting dictionary
creative accounting — Misleadingly optimistic, though not illegal, forms of accounting. This can occur because there are a number of accounting transactions that are not subject to regulations or the regulations are ambiguous. Companies sometimes make use of these… … Big dictionary of business and management
Marie de' Medici cycle — The Marie de Medici Cycle is a series of twenty four paintings by Peter Paul Rubens commissioned by Marie de Medici, wife of Henry IV of France, for the Luxembourg Palace in Paris. Rubens received the commission in the autumn of 1621. After… … Wikipedia