Смотреть что такое "pixie" в других словарях:
Pixie — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los Pixies son unas criaturas del folclore británico. Son pequeñas hadas esbeltas, que viven en los bosques. Su presencia en la comarca de Devon[1] y Cornwall sugiere un origen celta para la creencia y el nombre.[2]… … Wikipedia Español
pixie — UK [ˈpɪksɪ] / US or pixy UK / US noun [countable] Word forms pixie : singular pixie plural pixies an imaginary magic creature like a small person with pointed ears who can do magic … English dictionary
pixie — c.1630, perhaps from Swedish dialect pyske small fairy, but West County origin suggests ultimate source in Cornwall and thus something Celtic. Earliest references were in pixy path bewilderment, lit. path on which one is led astray by pixies, and … Etymology dictionary
pixie — [n] fairy bogie, brownie, elf, fay, gnome, goblin, gremlin, hob, imp, leprechaun, nisse, puck, spirit, sprite; concept 370 … New thesaurus
pixie — (also pixy) ► NOUN (pl. pixies) ▪ a supernatural being in folklore, typically portrayed as a tiny man with pointed ears and a pointed hat. DERIVATIVES pixieish adjective. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
pixie — or pixy [pik′sē] n. pl. pixies [SW Brit dial. pixey, pisky] a fairy, elf, or other tiny supernatural being, esp. one that is puckish pixieish adj. pixyish … English World dictionary
Pixie — Infobox Paranormalcreatures Creature Name = Pixie Image Caption = Grouping = Mythological creature Fairy Sprite (creature) Possibilities = Hominid AKA = Piskie Pigsie Country = United Kingdom Region = Cornwall and Devon Habitat = Moor First… … Wikipedia
Pixie — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pixie (homonymie). Les pixies (également appelées piskies et pigsies en Cornouaille) sont des créatures mythiques du folklore britannique, considérée comme particulièrement concentrée dans les zones autour du… … Wikipédia en Français
Pixie — künstlerische Darstellung eines Pixies Pixies sind Wesen der englischen Mythologie, deren Charakteristika denen von Kobolden und Feen ähneln. Geschichten über diese Fabelwesen sind im Südwesten Englands, in den Regionen Devon und Cornwall,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pixie — /pik see/, n. 1. a fairy or sprite, esp. a mischievous one. 2. a small, pert, or mischievous person. adj. 3. Also, pixieish, pixyish. playfully impish or mischievous; prankish: pixie mood; a pixie sense of humor. [1620 30; orig. dial. (SW… … Universalium
Pixie — Pixy Pix y, Pixie Pix ie, n.; pl. {Pixies}. [For Pucksy, from Puck.] 1. An old English name for a fairy; an elf. [Written also {picksy}.] [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A low creeping evergreen plant ({Pyxidanthera barbulata}), with mosslike leaves and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English