
ˈpɪtʃɪ прил.
1) смолистый;
смоляной Syn : resinous, resinaceous
2) черный как смоль
3) вязкий, липкий
4) безнравственный смолистый смоленый липкий - * mud липкая грязь черный как смоль - * night темная ночь подлый;
скверный, мерзкий в грам. знач. нареч.: (эмоционально-усилительно) очень, жутко - it was * dark было так темно pitchy смолистый ~ смоляной ~ черный как смоль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pitchy" в других словарях:

  • Pitchy — Pitch y, a. [From 1st {Pitch}.] 1. Partaking of the qualities of pitch; resembling pitch. [1913 Webster] 2. Smeared with pitch. [1913 Webster] 3. Black; pitch dark; dismal. Pitchy night. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pitchy — [pich′ē] adj. pitchier, pitchiest 1. full of pitch; smeared with pitch 2. thick or sticky like pitch 3. black …   English World dictionary

  • pitchy — pitchiness, n. /pich ee/, adj., pitchier, pitchiest. 1. full of or abounding in pitch. 2. smeared with pitch. 3. resembling pitch, as in color, consistency, etc.: pitchy mud. 4. dark or black as pitch. [1505 15; PITCH2 + Y1] * * * …   Universalium

  • pitchy — adjective a) Of, pertaining to, or resembling pitch. , Manceaster, what we now call , spins no cotton […] The Creek of gurgles, twice in the four and twenty hours, with eddying brine, clangorous with sea fowl; and is a Lither Pool, a lazy or… …   Wiktionary

  • pitchy — adjective Date: 15th century 1. a. full of pitch ; tarry b. of, relating to, or having the qualities of pitch 2. pitch black …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pitchy — Synonyms and related words: atramentous, beamless, black, black as coal, black as ebony, black as ink, black as midnight, black as night, caliginous, coal black, coaly, dark, dark as night, dark as pitch, darkling, darksome, deep black, ebon,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pitchy — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. shadowy, gloomy, black; see dark 1 . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Of the darkest achromatic visual value: black, ebon, ebony, inky, jet1, jetty, onyx, pitch black, sable, sooty. See COLORS …   English dictionary for students

  • pitchy — pitch·y || pɪtʃɪ adj. black; covered with tar; full of tar …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pitchy — adjective (pitchier, pitchiest) of, like, or as dark as pitch …   English new terms dictionary

  • pitchy — a. Dark, black, dismal, rayless, sunless, Cimmerian, piceous …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • pitchy — adj 1. tarry, bituminous, resinous, sappy; gummy, tacky, sticky. 2. black, coal black, jet, jetty, pitch black; ebony, ebon, raven, sable; inky, nigritudinous, atramentous; blackish, nigrescent; dark, unilluminated, lightless, unlighted, moonless …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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