pitch interval

pitch interval
тоновый интервал

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pitch interval" в других словарях:

  • Pitch interval — Augmented second on C. In musical set theory, a pitch interval (PI or ip) is the number of semitones that separates one pitch from another, upward or downward[1]. They are notated as follows …   Wikipedia

  • pitch interval — tonų dažnių santykis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. pitch interval vok. Tonhöhenverhältnis, n rus. отношение частот музыкальных тонов, n; отношение частот тонов, n pranc. rapport de fréquences de tons musicaux, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Ordered pitch interval — In musical set theory, ordered pitch interval is the distance in semitones between two pitches upward or downward. For instance, the interval from C to G upward is 7, but the interval from G to C downward is −7. Using integer notation and modulo… …   Wikipedia

  • Interval (music) — For the album by See You Next Tuesday, see Intervals (album). Melodic and harmonic intervals.   …   Wikipedia

  • Pitch class — Perfect octave  Play (help· …   Wikipedia

  • Interval — In ter*val, n. [L. intervallum; inter between + vallum a wall: cf. F. intervalle. See {Wall}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A space between things; a void space intervening between any two objects; as, an interval between two houses or hills. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interval — ► NOUN 1) an intervening time or space. 2) a pause or break. 3) Brit. a pause between parts of a theatrical or musical performance or a sports match. 4) the difference in pitch between two sounds. DERIVATIVES intervallic adjective. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • interval — [in′tər vəl] n. [ME enterval, intervalle < OFr < L intervallum, lit., space between two palisades or walls < inter , between + vallum, palisade, WALL] 1. a space between two things; gap; distance 2. a period of time between two points of …   English World dictionary

  • Pitch (music) — In musical notation, the different vertical positions of notes indicate different pitches. Pitch is an auditory perceptual property that allows the ordering of sounds on a frequency related scale.[1] Pitches are compared as higher and lower in… …   Wikipedia

  • Interval cycle — In music, an interval cycle is a collection of pitch classes created from a sequence of the same interval class.[1] In other words a collection of pitches by starting with a certain note and going up by a certain interval until the original note… …   Wikipedia

  • Interval class — In musical set theory, an interval class (usual abbreviation: ic) is the shortest distance in pitch class space between two unordered pitch classes. For example, the interval class between pitch classes 4 and 9 is 5 because 9 4 = 5 is less than 4 …   Wikipedia

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