Pitapat — Pit a*pat , adv. [An onomatopoetic reduplication of pat a light, quick blow.] In a flutter; with palpitation or quick succession of beats. Lowell. The fox s heart went pitapat. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pitapat — Pit a*pat , n. A light, repeated sound; a pattering, as of the rain. The pitapat of a pretty foot. Dryden. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pitapat — [pit′ə pat΄] adv. [redupl. of PAT2] with rapid and strong beating; throbbingly n. a rapid succession of beats or taps vi. pitapatted, pitapatting to go pitapat … English World dictionary
pitapat — /pit euh pat /, adv., n., v., pitapatted, pitapatting. adv. 1. with a quick succession of beats or taps: Her heart beat pitapat with excitement. n. 2. the movement or the sound of something going pitapat: the pitapat of hail on a roof. v.i. 3. to … Universalium
pitapat — /pit euh pat /, adv., n., v., pitapatted, pitapatting. adv. 1. with a quick succession of beats or taps: Her heart beat pitapat with excitement. n. 2. the movement or the sound of something going pitapat: the pitapat of hail on a roof. v.i. 3. to … Useful english dictionary
pitapat — pit•a•pat [[t]ˈpɪt əˌpæt[/t]] adv. n. v. pat•ted, pat•ting 1) with a quick succession of beats or taps 2) the movement or the sound of something going pitapat 3) to go pitapat • Etymology: 1515–25; imit. gradational compound … From formal English to slang
pitapat — /pɪtəˈpæt/ (say pituh pat) adverb 1. with a quick succession of beats or taps. –noun 2. the movement or the sound of something going pitapat. –verb (i) (pitapatted, pitapatting) 3. to go pitapat. {imitative} …
pitapat — Synonyms and related words: arrhythmia, barrage, beat, beating, bump, chink, click, clink, clop, clump, clunk, crump, dance, didder, disquiet, disquietude, dithers, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, dull thud, fidgetiness, fidgets,… … Moby Thesaurus
pitapat — pɪtÉ™ pæt n. ticking; quick tapping; quick knocking … English contemporary dictionary
pitapat — adv 1. flutteringly, in a flutter, atremble, with palpitations, tremulously, twitteringly, in a twitter, pitter patter. n 2. patter, pitter patter, flutter, palpitation; drumming, pounding, beating, throbbing, pulsing, pulsation, tattoo … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
beat — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. throb, stroke, accent, rhythm; pulse; route. See business, region. v. throb, pulsate; strike, batter; conquer, defeat. See regularity, impulse, superiority, agitation. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1.… … English dictionary for students