pit trader
Смотреть что такое "pit trader" в других словарях:
pit trader — See floor trader. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary … Financial and business terms
pit — The area on the trading floor where futures and options on futures contracts are bought and sold. Pits are usually raised octagonal platforms with steps descending on the inside that permit buyers and sellers of contracts to see each other.… … Financial and business terms
Pit — A specific area of the trading floor that is designed for the trading of commodities, individual futures, or option contracts. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * pit pit [pɪt] noun [countable] 1. FINANCE an area of the floor of a… … Financial and business terms
Tom Baldwin (trader) — Lucian Thomas Baldwin III is a bond trader investor and founder of the Baldwin Group of companies. He was described by the Wall Street Journal as the trader who can singlehandedly move the Treasury bond market.cite news last = McMurray first =… … Wikipedia
Michael Marcus (trader) — For other people named Michael Marcus, see Michael Marcus (disambiguation). Michael Marcus at his trading office. Michael Marcus is a commodities trader who, in less than 20 years, is reputed to have turned his initial $30,000 into $80… … Wikipedia
Thomas McKay (fur trader) — Thomas McKay (1796 ndash; 1849) was a Anglo Métis Canadian fur trader who worked mainly in the Pacific Northwest for the Pacific Fur Company (PFC), the North West Company (NWC), and the Hudson s Bay Company (HBC). He was a fur brigade leader and… … Wikipedia
Floor Trader - FT — An exchange member who executes transactions from the floor of the exchange exclusively for his or her own account. You ve probably seen floor traders on TV and in the movies. These are the guys in the pit waving their arms frantically to make… … Investment dictionary
Mark Spitznagel — at his place in Northport Point, Mich. (The Wall Street Journal, June 17, 2009,[1] August 24, 2010[2]) … Wikipedia
A la criée — Der Präsenzhandel, Parketthandel oder Criée Handel (franz.: criée bedeutet Zuruf) ist eine Form der Kursbildung an Börsen. Gelegentlich werden auch die Bezeichnungen Ringhandel, Zurufhandel oder der englische Ausdruck open outcry trading… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Criée-Handel — Der Präsenzhandel, Parketthandel oder Criée Handel (franz.: criée bedeutet Zuruf) ist eine Form der Kursbildung an Börsen. Gelegentlich werden auch die Bezeichnungen Ringhandel, Zurufhandel oder der englische Ausdruck open outcry trading… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Open outcry trading — Der Präsenzhandel, Parketthandel oder Criée Handel (franz.: criée bedeutet Zuruf) ist eine Form der Kursbildung an Börsen. Gelegentlich werden auch die Bezeichnungen Ringhandel, Zurufhandel oder der englische Ausdruck open outcry trading… … Deutsch Wikipedia