piston seal
Смотреть что такое "piston seal" в других словарях:
piston seal — A fluid seal on a disc brake caliper piston … Dictionary of automotive terms
seal — [1] A flexible ring, disc or washer that prevents the passage of liquid, air, gas or dirt. [2] To prevent the passage of liquid, air, gas, etc. by means of a seal or sealant (e.g., on seams, joints, flanges). [3] to coat a surface (e.g., when… … Dictionary of automotive terms
piston ring — n. a thin split ring fitted into a groove around a piston to seal the cylinder, transfer heat, and control cylinder wall lubrication … English World dictionary
Seal (mechanical) — Compression seal example A mechanical seal is a device which helps join systems or mechanisms together by preventing leakage (e.g., in a plumbing system), containing pressure, or excluding contamination. The effectiveness of a seal is dependent… … Wikipedia
piston and cylinder — In mechanical engineering, a sliding cylinder with a closed head (the piston) that moves up and down (or back and forth) in a slightly larger cylindrical chamber (the cylinder) by or against pressure of a fluid, as in an engine or pump. The… … Universalium
piston ring — noun seal consisting of a split metal ring that seals the gap between a piston and the cylinder wall • Hypernyms: ↑seal • Part Holonyms: ↑piston, ↑plunger … Useful english dictionary
piston ring — noun a ring or seal that fits around a piston, sealing between the piston and the bore in which it slides … Wiktionary
Axial piston pump — An axial piston pump is a positive displacement pump that has a number of pistons in a circular array within a cylinder block. It can be used as a stand alone pump, a hydraulic motor or an automotive air conditioning compressor. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Hydraulic seal — { [refimproveA hydraulic seal is a relatively soft, non metallic ring captured in a groove or fixed in a combination of rings, forming a seal assembly, to block or separate fluid in reciprocating motion applications. Hydraulic seals are vital in… … Wikipedia
primary seal — The primary piston seal in a tandem master cylinder … Dictionary of automotive terms
secondary seal — A secondary piston seal in a tandem master cylinder … Dictionary of automotive terms