pipeline multiplier

pipeline multiplier
конвейерное множительное устройство, конвейерный умножитель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • TMS320C4x — The TMS320C4x is the second generation of 32 bit floating point digital signal processors. The first family member, the TMS320C40, was introduced in 1990. TMS320C4x family members target multiprocessor floating point DSP systems for scientific,… …   Wikipedia

  • Athlon — Infobox Computer Hardware Cpu name = Athlon caption = AMD Athlon logo produced start = mid 1999 produced end = 2005 slowest = 500 | slow unit = MHz fastest = 2.33 | fast unit = GHz fsb slowest = 100 | fsb slow unit = MHz fsb fastest = 200 | fsb… …   Wikipedia

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