pipeline grid
Смотреть что такое "pipeline grid" в других словарях:
Pipeline transport — An elevated section of the Alaska Pipeline … Wikipedia
OPAL pipeline — near Weißenborn, Saxony Map of OPAL pipe … Wikipedia
South Wales Gas Pipeline — The South Wales Gas Pipeline (also known as the Milford Haven pipeline) is the UK’s largest high pressure gas pipeline. The 197 mile (316 km) pipeline passing through Wales is built for the National Grid UK and will link liquid natural gas (LNG)… … Wikipedia
North–South Pipeline — The north–south pipeline crossing the Yea River at Glenburn … Wikipedia
Arab Gas Pipeline — is a pipeline that exports Egyptian natural gas to the Middle East and by the possible further extension, to Europe. When completed, it will have a total length of convert|1200|km|mi| 1 at a cost of US$1.2 billion.cite news url=… … Wikipedia
Control of the National Grid — The National Grid is the high voltage electric power transmission network in Great Britain, connecting power stations and major substations, and has a synchronized organization such that electricity generated anywhere in Great Britain can be used … Wikipedia
National Grid (Great Britain) — For the UK Ordnance Survey National Grid for mapping co ordinates in Great Britain, see Ordnance Survey National Grid. 400 kV power line in Cheshire The National Grid is the high voltage electric power transmission network in … Wikipedia
National Grid plc — Type Public limited company (LSE: NG., NYSE: … Wikipedia
North Sea Offshore Grid — The North Sea Offshore Grid, officially the North Seas Countries Offshore Grid Initiative (NSCOGI), is a collaboration between EU member states and Norway to create an integrated offshore energy grid which links wind farms and other renewable… … Wikipedia
National Grid Reserve Service — In order to balance the supply and demand of electricity on short timescales, the UK National Grid has contracts in place with generators and large energy users to provide temporary extra power, or reduction in demand. These reserve services are… … Wikipedia
Transitgas Pipeline — The Transitgas Pipeline is a 293 kilometres long natural gas pipeline in Switzerland, which connects Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline from Wallbach, Germany, and Gaz de France gas grid from Rodersdorf/Oltingue at the French Swiss border with the… … Wikipedia