pipe duct

pipe duct

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pipe duct" в других словарях:

  • duct´like´ — duct «duhkt», noun, verb. –n. 1. a tube, pipe, or channel for carrying liquid, air, sand, grain, or other granular solid: »The hot air from our furnace reaches the bedrooms by metal heat ducts. SYNONYM(S): conduit. 2. a single pipe for electric… …   Useful english dictionary

  • duct — [dukt] n. [ML ducta, conduit < L ductus, a leading, conducting, pp. of ducere, to lead < IE base * deuk , to pull > TOW1, TUG, L dux, leader] 1. a tube, channel, or canal through which a gas or liquid moves 2. a tube in the body for the… …   English World dictionary

  • duct — [dʌkt] n [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: ductus, from ducere to lead ] 1.) a pipe or tube that liquids, air, ↑cables etc pass through ▪ Air is heated and then circulated through large ducts to all parts of the house. 2.) a narrow tube in your… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • duct — [ dʌkt ] noun count 1. ) a pipe or tube in a building that carries something such as air or protects wires: air conditioning ducts 2. ) a narrow tube that carries liquid inside your body or in an animal or plant: tear ducts a bile duct …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pipe — [n] passage, tube aqueduct, canal, channel, conduit, conveyer, duct, hose, line, main, pipeline, sewer, spout, trough, vent, vessel; concepts 475,499 pipe [v1] conduct through tube, passage bring in, carry, channel, convey, funnel, siphon, supply …   New thesaurus

  • duct — [n] channel, pipe aqueduct, canal, conduit, course, funnel, passage, tube, vessel, watercourse; concept 501 …   New thesaurus

  • pipe — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. passage, tube, main; briar, corncob, meerschaum; flute, fife, bagpipe, flageolet. See music, opening, cry. pipe down pipe dream pipe up II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A tube] Syn. pipeline, drain pipe, sewer …   English dictionary for students

  • duct — I. noun Etymology: New Latin ductus, from Medieval Latin, aqueduct, from Latin, act of leading, from ducere to lead more at tow Date: 1667 1. a bodily tube or vessel especially when carrying the secretion of a gland 2. a. a pipe, tube, or channel …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Duct (industrial exhaust) — Industrial exhaust ducts are pipe systems that connect hoods to industrial chimneys through other components of exhaust systems like fan, collectors etc. Ducts are low pressure pneumatic conveyors to convey dust, particles, shavings, fumes or… …   Wikipedia

  • pipe — Synonyms and related words: English horn, Missouri meerschaum, Pandean pipe, adjutage, aerophone, anthem, aulos, bagpipe, ballad, bark, barrel, basset horn, basset oboe, bassoon, bawl, bay, beep, bell, bellow, blare, blast, blat, blow, blow a… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pipe — n 1. tube, cylinder, conduit, duct, conveyor, reed, straw, stem; pipette, catheter, funnel, tubule, fistula, nipple; passage, capillary, artery, vein; hose, garden hose, rubber hose; flue, chimney, smokestack; gas pipe, gasline, pipeline,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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