pipe column

pipe column

1. металлическая колонна кольцевого сечения
2. трубная колонна

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pipe column" в других словарях:

  • pipe — pipe1 pipeless, adj. pipelike, adj. /puyp/, n., v., piped, piping. n. 1. a hollow cylinder of metal, wood, or other material, used for the conveyance of water, gas, steam, petroleum, etc. 2. a tube of wood, clay, hard rubber, or other material,… …   Universalium

  • pipe — Synonyms and related words: English horn, Missouri meerschaum, Pandean pipe, adjutage, aerophone, anthem, aulos, bagpipe, ballad, bark, barrel, basset horn, basset oboe, bassoon, bawl, bay, beep, bell, bellow, blare, blast, blat, blow, blow a… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • column — columned /kol euhmd/, columnated /kol euhm nay tid/, adj. /kol euhm/, n. 1. Archit. a. a rigid, relatively slender, upright support, composed of relatively few pieces. b. a decorative pillar, most often composed of stone and typically having a… …   Universalium

  • Pipe Organ —    Principal instrument of many Christian traditions. How an instrument associated with outdoor political and secular festivals of ancient Rome became the sole instrument allowed inside Christian churches by the 13th century remains mysterious,… …   Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • column — Synonyms and related words: KP, antenna tower, arcade, arch, army, army group, article, atlas, baluster, balustrade, banister, barbican, barrel, barrow, base, battalion, battery, battle group, belfry, bell tower, bole, book, boundary stone, brace …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Flue pipe — Four flue pipes of a diapason rank. A flue pipe (also referred to as a labial pipe) is an organ pipe that produces sound through the vibration of air molecules, in the same manner as a recorder or a whistle. Air under pressure (referred to as… …   Wikipedia

  • Organ pipe — The choir division of the organ at St. Raphael s Cathedral, Dubuque, Iowa. Wood and metal pipes of a variety of sizes are shown in this photograph. An organ pipe is a sound producing element of the pipe organ that resonates at a specific pitch… …   Wikipedia

  • Arizona breccia pipe uranium mineralization — During the late 1970s and through the 1980s, Mohave and Coconino County, Arizona, immediately north and south of the Grand Canyon and west of the Navajo Indian Reservation were explored for Arizona breccia pipe uranium mineralization. The search… …   Wikipedia

  • Reed pipe — A schematic of a typical reed pipe. A reed pipe (also referred to as a lingual pipe) is an organ pipe that is sounded by a vibrating brass strip known as a reed. Air under pressure (referred to as wind) is directed towards the reed, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Volcanic pipe — Volcanic pipes are geological structures formed by the violent, supersonic eruption of deep origin volcanoes. They are considered to be a type of diatreme . Volcanic pipes are composed of a deep, narrow cone of solidified magma (described as… …   Wikipedia

  • Water pipe percolator — A water pipe percolator is a small additional sub chamber within the main chamber of a water pipe that provides in line smoke water interaction via heat exchange and dissolution.Function and PurposeA percolator works by utilizing a pressure… …   Wikipedia

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