pipe aqueduct

pipe aqueduct
трубчатый акведук, акведук-трубопровод

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pipe aqueduct" в других словарях:

  • pipe — [n] passage, tube aqueduct, canal, channel, conduit, conveyer, duct, hose, line, main, pipeline, sewer, spout, trough, vent, vessel; concepts 475,499 pipe [v1] conduct through tube, passage bring in, carry, channel, convey, funnel, siphon, supply …   New thesaurus

  • aqueduct — [ak′wə dukt΄] n. [L aquaeductus < aquae, gen. of aqua, water + ductus: see DUCT] 1. a large pipe or conduit made for bringing water from a distant source 2. a bridgelike structure for carrying a water conduit or canal across a river or valley… …   English World dictionary

  • aqueduct — /ak wi dukt /, n. 1. Civ. Eng. a. a conduit or artificial channel for conducting water from a distance, usually by means of gravity. b. a bridgelike structure that carries a water conduit or canal across a valley or over a river. 2. Anat. a canal …   Universalium

  • Pipe — This interesting and unusual surname has two origins; firstly, it may be a metonymic occupational name for a piper, deriving from the Olde English pre 7th Century pipe meaning pipe. The Olde English pipe was also used for a water pipe, conduit or …   Surnames reference

  • pipe — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. passage, tube, main; briar, corncob, meerschaum; flute, fife, bagpipe, flageolet. See music, opening, cry. pipe down pipe dream pipe up II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A tube] Syn. pipeline, drain pipe, sewer …   English dictionary for students

  • aqueduct — [[t]æ̱kwɪdʌkt[/t]] aqueducts 1) N COUNT An aqueduct is a long bridge with many arches, which carries a water supply or a canal over a valley. ...an old Roman aqueduct. 2) N COUNT An aqueduct is a large pipe or canal which carries a water supply… …   English dictionary

  • aqueduct — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. watercourse, culvert. See passage. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. conduit, water system, water passage, canal, duct, channel, artificial watercourse, waterworks, water bridge, pipeline, culvert. III (Roget s …   English dictionary for students

  • aqueduct — n 1. conduit, channel, race, watercourse, artificial waterway; strait, seaway, river, tributary, estuary. 2. duct, pipe, main, tube, cylinder; passage, passageway, adit; sewer, culvert, cloaca, flume, trough, chute; spout, gutter, drain, gully,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Mt Evelyn Aqueduct — was a former feature of the Melbourne water supply infrastructure that was built by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works The O Shannassy Water Supply (designs prepared 1910 1911). Where the aqueduct crossed the lower lying areas around… …   Wikipedia

  • Mount Evelyn Aqueduct — Mt Evelyn Aqueduct was a former feature of the Melbourne water supply infrastructure that was built by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works The O Shannassy Water Supply (designs prepared 1910 1911). Where the aqueduct crossed the lower… …   Wikipedia

  • Chapultepec aqueduct — View of the arches of the aqueduct. The Chapultepec aqueduct (in Spanish: el acueducto de Chapultepec) is an aqueduct originally built at Chapultepec by the Aztecs during the Tenochtitlan era;[1 …   Wikipedia

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