
1) что-л. незначительное, презренное
2) ничтожная личность, ничтожество
3) воен. разг. подкалиберный снаряд ∙ Syn : pipsqueak

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pip-squeak" в других словарях:

  • pip-squeak — (pĭpʹskwēk ) n. Informal One that is small or insignificant. * * * …   Universalium

  • pip|squeak — «PIHP SKWEEK», noun. Slang. 1. an insignificant person; petty object: »Her notion is that he could be a big wheel on Madison Avenue instead of a publicity pipsqueak in a charitable foundation if he would just show a little get up and go (New… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pip-squeak — {n.}, {informal} A small, unimportant person. * /If the club is really democratic, then every little pip squeak has the right to say what he thinks./ * /When the smallest boy was chosen to be the monitor, the class bully said he would not obey a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pip-squeak — {n.}, {informal} A small, unimportant person. * /If the club is really democratic, then every little pip squeak has the right to say what he thinks./ * /When the smallest boy was chosen to be the monitor, the class bully said he would not obey a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pip-squeak — noun informal A small, unimportant person. If the club is really democratic, then every little pip squeak has the right to say what he thinks. When the smallest boy was chosen to be the monitor, the class bully said he would not obey a little pip …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pip-squeak — a small, unimportant person He called his friend a pip squeak which made him very angry …   Idioms and examples

  • pip-squeak —    A contemptuous name for a person considered to be of no importance. The word was applied in the 1920s by owners of large motor cycles to smaller two stroke machines, and the word may originally have referred to some kind of squeaky mechanical… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • pip·squeak — /ˈpıpˌskwiːk/ noun, pl squeaks [count] informal : a person who is very small or unimportant He s just a pipsqueak compared to his teammates …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pip, Squeak and Wilfred — with very long ears. Character BeginningsThe origins of the characters are mentioned in the cartoon strips as Squeak being found in London Zoological Gardens after having been hatched on the South African coast years before. Pip was discovered… …   Wikipedia

  • Pip-Squeak Pop — A slang term used to describe a moderate price increase in a stock. A pip squeak pop is generally used to describe a situation where a stock appreciates a sizable amount in a short period of time, but does not double or triple in value. Traders… …   Investment dictionary

  • pip-squeak — noun Date: 1910 one that is small or insignificant …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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