Смотреть что такое "pinwork" в других словарях:
pinwork — /pin werrk /, n. (in the embroidery of needlepoint lace) crescent shaped stitches raised from the surface of the design. [1885 90; PIN + WORK] * * * … Universalium
pinwork — pin•work [[t]ˈpɪnˌwɜrk[/t]] n. clo tex (in the embroidery of needlepoint lace) crescent shaped stitches raised from the surface of the design • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
pinwork — /pin werrk /, n. (in the embroidery of needlepoint lace) crescent shaped stitches raised from the surface of the design. [1885 90; PIN + WORK] … Useful english dictionary
Karena Lam — Gayan (Chino: 林嘉欣, pinyin: Lin Jiaxin; cantonés: Lam Gayan, Vancouver, Canadá, 17 de agosto de 1978) es una actriz y cantante china. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Carrera 3 Filmografíaa … Wikipedia Español