- pinkeye
- ˈpɪŋkaɪ (медицина) острый эпидемический коньюнктивит (ветеринарное) инфлюэнца (у лошадей) покраснение (соленой рыбы) pinkeye мед., вет. острый инфекционный конъюнктивит
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Pinkeye — Episodio de South Park Episodio nº 7 Temporada 1 Escrito por Trey Parker Matt Stone Philip Stark Dirigido por … Wikipedia Español
pinkeye — [piŋk′ī΄] n. an acute, contagious form of conjunctivitis in which the eyeball and the lining of the eyelid become red and inflamed … English World dictionary
Pinkeye (South Park episode) — Infobox Television episode Title = Pinkeye Series = South Park Hitler, Chewbacca, Raggedy Andy, Zombie Caption = Season = 1 Episode = 7 Airdate = October 29, 1997 Production = 107 Writer = Trey Parker Matt Stone Phillip Stark Director = Trey… … Wikipedia
pinkeye — noun Date: 1855 an acute highly contagious conjunctivitis of humans and various domestic animals … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pinkeye — … Википедия
pinkeye — /pingk uy /, n. Pathol. a contagious, epidemic form of acute conjunctivitis occurring in humans and certain animals: so called from the color of the inflamed eye. [1785 95; PINK1 + EYE] * * * … Universalium
Pinkeye — Also called conjunctivitis. Redness or irritation of the conjuctivae, the membranes on the inner part of the eyelids and the membranes covering the whites of the eyes. These membranes react to a wide range of bacteria, viruses, allergy provoking… … Medical dictionary
pinkeye — n. conjunctivitis, infection of the membrane of the eyelid and eyeball … English contemporary dictionary
pinkeye — pink•eye [[t]ˈpɪŋkˌaɪ[/t]] n. pat a contagious, epidemic form of acute conjunctivitis occurring in humans and certain animals: so called from the color of the inflamed eye • Etymology: 1785–95 … From formal English to slang
pinkeye — /ˈpɪŋkaɪ/ (say pingkuy) noun 1. a contagious form of conjunctivitis, especially in animals, so called because of the colour of the inflamed eye. 2. ophthalmia suffered by travelling sheep. Also, pink eye. {pink1 + eye} …
pinkeye — Maka ula ula … English-Hawaiian dictionary