
̈ɪˈpɪnjən I сущ.;
1) тех. шестерня, малое зубчатое колесо пары
2) ист. зубец стены II
1. сущ.
1) а) оконечность птичьего крыла б) шутл. рука (человека)
2) перо
3) поэт. крыло
2. гл.
1) подрезать или связывать крылья The cruel owners used to pinion the birds' wings together to prevent them from flying. ≈ Жестокие хозяева подрезали птицам крылья, чтобы те не могли улететь.
2) а) связывать (руки) The sailors attempted to pinion Peter's arms. ≈ Моряки попытались связать Питеру руки. б) заковывать в кандалы Syn : shackle
3) крепко привязывать The prisoner's arms were pinioned to his sides with ropes. ≈ Руки узника были прикручены к телу веревками. оконечность птичьего крыла (маховое) перо крыло подрезать или связывать крылья связывать (руки) - they *ed us with strong ropes она связали нас /нам руки/ крепкими веревками (to) крепко привязывать к чему-л. - the prisoner was *ed to a tree пленника привязали к дереву (техническое) малое зубчатое колесо пары, ведущее колесо, шестерня - * drive зубчатая передача bevel ~ тех. коническая шестерня pinion тех. ист. зубец стены ~ крепко привязывать ~ поэт. крыло ~ оконечность птичьего крыла ~ перо ~ подрезать крылья ~ связывать (руки) ~ тех. шестерня, малое зубчатое колесо пары

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pinion" в других словарях:

  • Pinion — Pin ion, n. [OF. pignon a pen, F., gable, pinion (in sense 5); cf. Sp. pi[ n]on pinion; fr. L. pinna pinnacle, feather, wing. See {Pin} a peg, and cf. {Pen} a feather, {Pennat}, {Pennon}.] 1. A feather; a quill. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A wing,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pinion — PINIÓN, pinioane, s.n. Roată dinţată cu un număr mic de dinţi, care intră în componenţa unui angrenaj, servind la punerea în mişcare a altor roţi din angrenajul respectiv. [pr.: ni on] – Din fr. pignon. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 26.03.2008. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

  • pinion — Ⅰ. pinion [1] ► NOUN ▪ the outer part of a bird s wing including the flight feathers. ► VERB 1) tie or hold the arms or legs of. 2) cut off the pinion of (a bird) to prevent flight. ORIGIN Old French pignon, from Latin pinna, penna feather …   English terms dictionary

  • Pinion — Pin ion, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pinioned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pinioning}.] 1. To bind or confine the wings of; to confine by binding the wings. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. To disable by cutting off the pinion joint. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 3. To disable …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pinion — Pin ion, n. (Zo[ o]l.) A moth of the genus {Lithophane}, as {Lithophane antennata}, whose larva bores large holes in young peaches and apples. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pinion — index contain (restrain), handcuff (noun), handcuff (verb), restrict, trammel Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • pinion — pinion1 [pin′yən] n. [Fr pignon < VL * pinnio < L pinna, bucket of a paddle wheel, lit., feather, var. of penna (see PEN2): assoc. in MFr with peigner, to comb: see PEIGNOIR] a small gear, the teeth of which fit into those of a larger gear… …   English World dictionary

  • pinion — A small, tapered gear which meshes with a larger gear or rack. It is found in two primary places in an automobile: the differential pinion and the rack and pinion steering. See crown wheel and pinion drive pinion inertia pinion planet pinion rack …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • pinion — {{11}}pinion (n.1) wing joint, mid 15c., from M.Fr. pignon (c.1400), from V.L. *pinnionem, from L. penna wing (see PEN (Cf. pen) (n.1)). {{12}}pinion (n.2) small gear with teeth (as in rack and pinion …   Etymology dictionary

  • Pinion — A pinion is usually the smallest gear in a gear drive train. In many cases, such as remote controlled toys, the pinion is also the drive gear. In the case of John Blenkinsop s The Salamanca the pinion was rather large.The term is also commonly… …   Wikipedia

  • pinion — I UK [ˈpɪnjən] / US verb [transitive] Word forms pinion : present tense I/you/we/they pinion he/she/it pinions present participle pinioning past tense pinioned past participle pinioned to prevent someone from moving by holding or tying their arms …   English dictionary

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