- pinch off
- пинцировать, чеканить, прищипывать If you regularly pinch back the dead flower heads, new ones will grow. ≈ Если регулярно откусывать мертвые бутоны, будут расти новые.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pinch-off — atkirta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. cut off; pinch off vok. Abschnürung, f; Absperrung, f; Abtrennen, n rus. отсечка, f pranc. coupure, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
pinch-off pliers — See hose pinch off pliers … Dictionary of automotive terms
pinch off a loaf — [B] have a bowel movement, drop a log Where were you? In the can, pinching off a loaf … English idioms
pinch-off — … Useful english dictionary
channel pinch-off — kanalo uždarymas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. channel cutoff; channel pinch off vok. Kanalabschnürung, f; Kanalabsperrung, f rus. закрытие канала, n; отсечка канала, f pranc. coupure du canal, f; pincement du canal, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
hose pinch-off pliers — A special tool to pinch off hoses when servicing the cooling system; pivoting jaws squeeze hoses shut so there is no need to drain the system … Dictionary of automotive terms
pinch something off — ˌpinch sthˈoff/ˈout derived to remove sth by pressing your fingers together and pulling • Pinch off the dead flowers. Main entry: ↑pinchderived … Useful english dictionary
pinch something out — ˌpinch sthˈoff/ˈout derived to remove sth by pressing your fingers together and pulling • Pinch off the dead flowers. Main entry: ↑pinchderived … Useful english dictionary
pinch — /pɪntʃ / (say pinch) verb (t) 1. to compress between the finger and thumb, the jaws of an instrument, or any two opposed surfaces. 2. to compress, constrict, or squeeze painfully, as a tight shoe does. 3. to cramp within narrow bounds or quarters …
pinch — Iniki, ūmi i, ini iniki, niki, umiki, pāniki; pikipiki (as in milking); ♦ pinch off, ōniki, ō ū; ♦ pinch between fingers, ūpiki, ōpiki … English-Hawaiian dictionary
pinch — [n1] tight pressing compression, confinement, contraction, cramp, grasp, grasping, hurt, limitation, nip, nipping, pressure, squeeze, torment, tweak, twinge; concept 728 pinch [n2] small amount bit, dash, drop, jot, mite, small quantity, soupçon … New thesaurus