- pin-to-pin sub
- ниппельно-ниппельный переходник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Pin noir — Pinus nigra … Wikipédia en Français
Five-pin bowling — is a bowling variant which is only played in Canada, where most bowling alleys offer it, either alone or in combination with ten pin bowling. It was devised around 1909 by Thomas F. Ryan in Toronto, Ontario, at his Toronto Bowling Club , in… … Wikipedia
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 — semiautomatic firearm with its operating spring located in the tubular stock. It feeds from a grip located magazine well using magazines designed for various pistols, and is an inexpensive carbine. The distinguishing characteristic of this rifle… … Wikipedia
subalpin — sub|al|pin 〈Adj.〉 unter der alpinen Höhenstufe liegend [<sub... + alpin] * * * sub|al|pin, sub|al|pi|nisch <Adj.> [zu lat. sub = unter(halb) u. ↑ alpin] (Geogr.): zum Bereich zwischen der oberen Grenze des Bergwalds u. der Baumgrenze… … Universal-Lexikon
subalpinisch — sub|al|pin, sub|al|pi|nisch <Adj.> [zu lat. sub = unter(halb) u. ↑ alpin] (Geogr.): zum Bereich zwischen der oberen Grenze des Bergwalds u. der Baumgrenze gehörend. * * * sub|al|pin, (seltener:) sub|al|pi|nisch <Adj.> [zu lat. sub =… … Universal-Lexikon
subalpin — sub|al|pin, sub|al|pi|nisch <lateinisch> (Geografie räumlich an die Alpen anschließend; bis zur Nadelwaldgrenze reichend) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
subalpinisch — sub|al|pin, sub|al|pi|nisch <lateinisch> (Geografie räumlich an die Alpen anschließend; bis zur Nadelwaldgrenze reichend) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
Tube socket — Left to right: octal (top and bottom view), loctal, and miniature (top and side view) sockets. An early transistor socket and an IC socket are included for comparison. Tube sockets are electrical sockets into which vacuum tubes (also known as… … Wikipedia
RS-232 — Stecker 9 polig Sub D Buchse 9 polig Sub D RS 232 ist e … Deutsch Wikipedia
Commodore 64 — Hersteller Commodore … Deutsch Wikipedia
subalpine — [subal′pīn΄, sub al′pin] adj. [L subalpinus, lit., lying near the Alps: see SUB & ALPINE] 1. designating or of regions at the foot of the Alps 2. designating, of, or growing in mountain regions just below the timberline or on a tundra or paramo;… … English World dictionary