
тех. направляющий подшипник (техническое) направляющий подшипник

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pilot-bearing" в других словарях:

  • pilot bearing — A small bearing in the center of the flywheel end of the crankshaft, which carries the forward end of the clutch shaft. The British term is spigot bearing. See clutch pilot bearing …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • clutch pilot bearing — A small bronzebushing, or in some cases a ball bearing, placed in the end of the crankshaft or in the center of the flywheel depending on the vehicle, that is used to support the outboard end of the transmissioninput shaft …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • bearing — [1] The area of a unit in which the contacting surface of a revolving part rests in order to minimize wear and friction between two surfaces. [2] An antifriction reducing device that is usually found between two moving parts. The babbitt bearings …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Pilot Knob (Austin, Texas) — Pilot Knob is a hill that is part of an extinct volcano located seven miles south of central Austin, Texas near Austin Bergstrom International Airport and McKinney Falls State Park.IntroductionPilot Knob is one of around 75 late Cretaceous Period …   Wikipedia

  • bearing — /bair ing/, n. 1. the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a man of dignified bearing. 2. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth: a tree past bearing. 3. something that is… …   Universalium

  • bearing — bear•ing [[t]ˈbɛər ɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a person of dignified bearing[/ex] 2) the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth 3) something that is… …   From formal English to slang

  • bearing — /ˈbɛərɪŋ / (say bairring) noun 1. the manner in which one bears or carries oneself, including posture, gestures, etc.: a person of dignified bearing. 2. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth: a tree past bearing. 3. that… …  

  • pilot flag — /ˈpaɪlət flæg/ (say puyluht flag) noun 1. a square flag bearing three blue and three yellow vertical stripes, flown to request an official pilot for navigating a harbour, river, etc. 2. a rectangular flag with its upper half white and its lower… …  

  • pilot pin — noun : a pin to locate a center or bearing …   Useful english dictionary

  • spigot bearing — A British term for pilot bearing. A small bearing in the center of the flywheel end of the crankshaft, which carries the forward end of the clutch shaft …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Magnetic bearing — Eine missweisende Peilung (engl. magnetic bearing, MB) bezeichnet den Winkel zwischen missweisend Nord (engl. magnetic north, MN) und der Linie Bodensender Flugzeug beziehungsweise Flugzeug Bodensender, gemessen im Uhrzeigersinn (Anm: engl TN =… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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