Смотреть что такое "pigpen" в других словарях:
Pigpen — Pig pen (p[i^]g p[e^]n ), n. A pen, or sty, for pigs. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pigpen — a character in the US ↑cartoon strip called Peanuts, who always has a cloud of dirt all around him … Dictionary of contemporary English
pigpen — [pig′pen΄] n. 1. a pen where pigs are kept 2. any place that is dirty, messy, untidy, etc … English World dictionary
Pigpen — A pigpen is literally a pen that holds pigs, also known as a sty. Pigpen may refer to:* Pig Pen, a character in Charles M. Schulz s comic strip Peanuts * Pigpen (film), a film by Pier Paolo Pasolini * Pigpen cipher, a substitution cypher in which … Wikipedia
Pigpen — Chiffre des Francs maçons Le chiffre des Francs maçons, encore appelé alphabet du parc à cochons ou Pigpen, est un chiffre de substitution associant à chaque lettre un symbole. Ce chiffre est facilement attaquable par analyse fréquentielle.… … Wikipédia en Français
Pigpen — Ron Pigpen McKernan (* 8. September 1945 in San Bruno, Kalifornien; gestorben an Magenblutungen; gefunden am 8. März 1973) war Keyboarder, Organist und Mundharmonikaspieler bei den Grateful Dead. McKernan gehörte zu den Gründungsmitgliedern der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pigpen — UK [ˈpɪɡˌpen] / US noun [countable] Word forms pigpen : singular pigpen plural pigpens American a pigsty … English dictionary
pigpen — /pig pen /, n. 1. a pen for keeping pigs. 2. a filthy or untidy place: This kitchen is a pigpen. [1795 1805; PIG1 + PEN2] * * * … Universalium
pigpen — noun a) A pigsty; an enclosure where pigs are kept. This room is a pigpen. When are you going to clean it? b) Something extremely dirty or messy … Wiktionary
pigpen — pig|pen [ˈpıgpen] n AmE 1.) a building where pigs are kept = ↑pigsty 2.) informal a very dirty or untidy place = ↑pigsty … Dictionary of contemporary English
pigpen — [[t]pɪ̱gpen[/t]] pigpens also pig pen N COUNT A pigpen is an enclosed place where pigs are kept on a farm. [mainly AM] Syn: pigsty (in BRIT, use pigsty) … English dictionary