- pigmented
- спец. пигментированный, окрашенный пигментом (специальное) пигментированный, окрашенный пигментом
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Pigmented — Pig ment*ed, a. Colored; specifically (Biol.), filled or imbued with pigment; as, pigmented epithelial cells; pigmented granules. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pigmented — [[t]pɪgme̱ntɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED Pigmented skin has a lot of natural colouring. [FORMAL] ...deeply pigmented areas on the skin … English dictionary
pigmented — Colored as the result of a deposit of pigment. * * * pig·ment·ed pig .ment əd adj colored by a deposit of pigment <a pigmented wart> * * * pig·ment·ed (pigґmən təd) colored by deposit of pigment … Medical dictionary
Pigmented purpuric dermatosis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L81.7 OMIM 172900 Diseases … Wikipedia
Pigmented villonodular synovitis — (PVNS) is a rare, benign condition that affects the synovium of joints, bursae, and tendon sheaths. The etiology, or cause, of this proliferative disorder is unknown. Two forms of the disorder exist: localized and diffuse, the latter being more… … Wikipedia
pigmented epithelial layer — pigmented layer of retina, pigment epithelial layer stratum pigmentosum retinae … Medical dictionary
pigmented retinal epithelium — (= PRE; retinal pigmented epithelium, RPE) Layer of unusual phagocytic epithelial cells lying below the photoreceptors of the vertebrate eye. The dorsal surface of the PRE cell is closely apposed to the ends of the rods, and as discs are shed… … Dictionary of molecular biology
pigmented basal cell carcinoma — carcinoma whose lesions contain brown or black pigment; it grows slowly and is seen more often in darker skinned individuals. Some cases are associated with chronic arsenic poisoning. Pigmented basal cell carcinoma … Medical dictionary
pigmented purpuric dermatitis — chronic pigmented purpura … Medical dictionary
pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis — a type of chronic pigmented purpura seen most often in middle aged men, chiefly on the legs, thighs, or lower trunk, characterized by tiny discolored, lichenoid papules that tend to fuse into plaques. Called also Gougerot Blum syndrome … Medical dictionary
pigmented purpuric dermatosis — chronic pigmented purpura … Medical dictionary