Смотреть что такое "pig-root" в других словарях:
Root hog, or die — is a common American catch phrase dating from well before 1834. [Crockett, A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett , p. 117 118: We know d that nothing more could happen to us if we went than if we staid, for it looked like it was to be… … Wikipedia
root hog or die poor — (USA) It s a expression used in the Southern USA that means that you must look out for yourself as no one s going to do it for you. (It can be shortened to root hog . A hog is a pig.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
pig|ment — «PIHG muhnt», noun, verb. –n. 1. a coloring matter, especially a powder or some easily pulverized dry substance. Paint and dyes are made by mixing pigments with oil, water, or some other liquid. »A remarkably white pigment, titanium dioxide,… … Useful english dictionary
root — root1 W2S3 [ru:t] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(plant)¦ 2¦(cause of a problem)¦ 3¦(origin/main part)¦ 4¦(family connection)¦ 5 put down roots 6¦(tooth/hair etc)¦ 7 take root 8 have a (good) root round 9¦(language)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
root — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a the part of a plant normally below the ground, attaching it to the earth and conveying nourishment to it from the soil. b (in pl.) such a part divided into branches or fibres. c the corresponding organ of an epiphyte; the part… … Useful english dictionary
Pig yoke — Yoke Yoke (y[=o]k), n. [OE. yok, [yogh]oc, AS. geoc; akin to D. juk, OHG. joh, G. joch, Icel. & Sw. ok, Dan. aag, Goth. juk, Lith. jungas, Russ. igo, L. jugum, Gr. zy gon, Skr. yuga, and to L. jungere to join, Gr. ?, Skr. yui. [root]109, 280. Cf … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
root — 1. n. a cigarette or a cigar. □ That root you’re smoking sure stinks. □ You got a root I can borrow? 2. in. to eat food like a pig. □ Don’t root. Slow down and enjoy your food. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
List of guinea pig breeds — A prize winning lilac Silkie There are many breeds of Guinea pig which have been developed since its domestication ca. 5000 BC. Breeds vary widely in appearance and purpose, ranging from show breeds with long, flowing hair to those in use as… … Wikipedia
Guinea pig breed — There are many breeds of Guinea pig which have been developed since its domestication ca. 5000 BC. Breeds vary widely in appearance and purpose, ranging from show breeds with long, flowing hair to those in use as model organisms by science. From… … Wikipedia
Ground pig — ground ground (ground), n. [OE. ground, grund, AS. grund; akin to D. grond, OS., G., Sw., & Dan. grund, Icel. grunnr bottom, Goth. grundus (in composition); perh. orig. meaning, dust, gravel, and if so perh. akin to E. grind.] 1. The surface of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bush pig — Bush Bush (b[.u]sh), n. [OE. bosch, busch, buysch, bosk, busk; akin to D. bosch, OHG. busc, G. busch, Icel. b[=u]skr, b[=u]ski, Dan. busk, Sw. buske, and also to LL. boscus, buscus, Pr. bosc, It. bosco, Sp. & Pg. bosque, F. bois, OF. bos. Whether … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English