Смотреть что такое "piece-meal" в других словарях:
piece|meal — «PEES MEEL», adverb, adjective, verb. –adv. 1. piece by piece; a little at a time: »work done piecemeal. In reality he has treated such problems piecemeal in various segments of the book (Bulletin of Atomic Scientists). 2. piece from piece; to… … Useful english dictionary
Piece-meal-Nekrose — Piece meal Ne|krose [pí̱ßmi̱l...; engl. piece meal = stückweise] w; , n: „Mottenfraßnekrose“, für bestimmte Lebererkrankungen charakteristisches Bild einer wie von Motten zerfressenen Leber … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
piece·meal — … Useful english dictionary
meal — meal·able; meal; meal·berry; meal·er; meal·ie; meal·i·ness; meal·less; meal·man; meal·ock; piece·meal; … English syllables
piece — em·piece·ment; in·ter·piece; piece; piece·work·er; piece·wise; fron·tis·piece; piece·meal; … English syllables
Pièce de résistance — is a French term ( circa 1839), translated into English literally as piece of resistance , referring to the best part or feature of something (as in a meal), a showpiece, or highlight. It can be thought of as the portion of a creation which… … Wikipedia
piece de resistance — 1839, from Fr. pièce de résistance, originally the most substantial dish in a meal … Etymology dictionary
pièce de résistance — [pyes də rā zēs täns′] n. [Fr, piece of resistance] 1. the principal dish of a meal 2. the main item or event in a series … English World dictionary
pièce de ré|sis|tance — «pyehs duh ray zees tahnS», French. 1. the chief dish of a meal. 2. Figurative. the most important or outstanding item, in any collection, group, or series: »A table service for a party of four in the nursery is made of pliable, unbreakable… … Useful english dictionary
Meal, Combat, Individual ration — Elements of a USAF Meal, Combat, Individual ration, as served in Da Nang, South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, 1966 or 1967 The Meal, Combat, Individual (MCI) was the name of canned wet combat rations issued by the United States Armed Forces… … Wikipedia
meal — [OE] Meal ‘repast’ and meal ‘flour’ are two distinct words. The former originally meant ‘measure’: it goes back via prehistoric Germanic *mǣlaz (source of German mal ‘time, occasion’ and mahl ‘meal’, Dutch maal ‘time, meal’, and Swedish mål… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins