piece of candy

piece of candy

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "piece of candy" в других словарях:

  • candy — can|dy [ kændi ] noun AMERICAN ** uncount sweet food made of cooked sugar or chocolate but not containing flour: Our kids aren t allowed to eat candy. a candy store Would you like a piece of candy? a. count a piece of candy. One piece is usually… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • candy — n. (AE) 1) chocolate; cotton; hard candy 2) a box; piece of candy (BE has sweets) * * * [ kændɪ] cotton hard candy piece of candy (BE has sweets) (AE) chocolate a box …   Combinatory dictionary

  • candy — can|dy S3 [ˈkændi] n plural candies [U and C] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: candi, from Arabic qandi covered with sugar , from qand sugar ] 1.) AmE a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate ▪ a box of candies …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • candy bar — noun a candy shaped as a bar • Hypernyms: ↑candy, ↑confect * * * candy bar, a piece of candy, typically barshaped, sold as an individually wrapped package …   Useful english dictionary

  • candy — 1. noun /ˈkændi/ a) Edible, sweet tasting confectionery containing sugar, or sometimes artificial sweeteners, and often flavored with fruit, chocolate, nuts, herbs and spices, or artificial flavors. b) A piece of candy. Syn: confectionery …   Wiktionary

  • candy — [[t]kæ̱ndi[/t]] candies N VAR Candy is sweet foods such as toffees or chocolate. [AM] ...a piece of candy... There was a large box of candies on a table nearby. (in BRIT, usually use sweets) …   English dictionary

  • candy — [kan′dē] n. pl. candies [< sugar candy < ME (sugre) candi < OFr (sucre) candi < OIt ( zucchero) candi < Ar qandi < Pers qand, cane sugar; prob. < Sans khaṇḍa, piece (of sugar)] 1. crystallized sugar made by boiling and… …   English World dictionary

  • Candy — Can dy (k[a^]n d[y^]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Candied} (k[a^]n d[=e]d); p. pr & vb. n. {Candying}.] [F. candir (cf. It. candire, Sp. az[ u]car cande or candi), fr. Ar. & Pers. qand, fr. Skr. Kha[.n][.d]da piece, sugar in pieces or lumps, fr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Candy corn — is a confection popular in the United States, particularly around Halloween. Each piece is approximately the size of a whole kernel of corn, as if it fell off a ripe or dried ear of corn. The candy is usually tri colored with a yellow base,… …   Wikipedia

  • Candy Coloured Blues — is an unofficial documentary DVD on Detroit two piece band The White Stripes. It examines their beginnings and their sudden success. The documentary contains no original music by The White Stripes. [… …   Wikipedia

  • candy — late 13c., crystalized sugar, from O.Fr. çucre candi sugar candy, ultimately from Arabic qandi, from Pers. qand cane sugar, probably from Skt. khanda piece (of sugar), perhaps from Dravidian (Cf. Tamil kantu candy, kattu to harden, condense ). As …   Etymology dictionary

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