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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Biathlon-Weltmeisterschaft 2007 — Die 41. Biathlon Weltmeisterschaften fanden vom 2. bis 11. Februar 2007 in Antholz in Südtirol (Italien) statt, das damit nach 1975, 1976, 1983 sowie 1995 bereits zum fünften Mal Austragungsort war. Antholz hatte sich 2002 auf dem Kongress der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bumsi — Die 41. Biathlon Weltmeisterschaften fanden vom 2. bis 11. Februar 2007 in Antholz in Südtirol (Italien) statt, das damit nach 1975, 1976, 1983 sowie 1995 bereits zum fünften Mal Austragungsort war. Antholz hatte sich 2002 auf dem Kongress der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lucy Stone — (August 13, 1818 ndash; October 19, 1893) was a prominent American suffragist. She was the wife of abolitionist Henry Brown Blackwell (1825 1909) (the brother of Elizabeth Blackwell) and the mother of Alice Stone Blackwell, another prominent… … Wikipedia
River Teme — Geobox|River name = River Teme native name = other name = Welsh: Afon Tefeidiad other name1 = |200px image size = image caption = The River Teme at Ludlow, Shropshire country = Wales country country1 = England country1 County = County1 = region … Wikipedia
Astro art — is the product of an artist and a creative idea, associated with astronomy or atmospheric objects or phenomena, both real or imagined, future or historical. It is the creative and often unique process of communicating ideas about such objects or… … Wikipedia
Augustin Krist — Augustin Gustav Krist was the first Czechoslovakian to be appointed to officiate at a FIFA World Cup final match when he was linesman in the 1938 final between Hungary and Italy in Paris.Krist had earlier been the match referee in the game… … Wikipedia
The Bucket Fountain — can be found in Cuba Mall, which is part of Cuba Street in Wellington, New Zealand. [http://www.wellington.govt.nz/picturegallery/display image.php?g=6 i=8 Wellington City Council Art and Architecture Bucket Fountain] It consists of a series of… … Wikipedia
Jubilee clock — is a term used in reference to a number of clocks constructed and erected throughout the British Empire in commemoration of the Golden or Diamond Jubilee of various British monarchs, most commonly, Queen Victoria s.EnglandBrightonThe Brighton… … Wikipedia
John Plimmer — (1812 – 1905) has been called the Father of Wellington. He was a member of the Wellington Provincial Council from 1856 to 1857, the first Wellington Town Board (1863) and was on the Wellington City Council from 1870 to 1871. His principal public… … Wikipedia
Abby Dobson (American musician) — Abby Dobson [http://www.abby dobson.com] is a singer, songwriter, and performer based in New York City. Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Abby migrated to Brooklyn, New York at a young age. Abby s music is described as soulful and organic. Although her… … Wikipedia
Robb Montgomery — is a Chicago journalist and former newspaper editor [ [http://www.trends in newsrooms.org/articles.php?id=34 Newspaper editor at Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times] ] and founder of a social network for journalists, Visual Editors. [… … Wikipedia