picture freeze

picture freeze

1. замораживание изображения
2. стоп-кадр

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "picture freeze" в других словарях:

  • freeze-frame — freeze frames 1) N COUNT A freeze frame from a film is an individual picture from it, produced by stopping the film or video tape at that point. 6 millimetre film was used because it offered clearer freeze frames than video tape. 2) N UNCOUNT:… …   English dictionary

  • Freeze (exhibition) — Freeze was the title of an art exhibition organised by Damien Hirst with other students from Goldsmiths College. The show took place in July 1988 in an empty London Port Authority building at Surrey Docks in London Docklands. The Freeze… …   Wikipedia

  • freeze-frame — or freeze frame (frēzʹfrām ) n. 1. A still picture in the course of a movie or television film, made by running a series of identical frames or by stopping a reel or videotape at one desired frame. 2. A vivid, motionless scene or image.   freezeʹ …   Universalium

  • freeze frame — freeze frame, adj. Television, Motion Pictures. 1. Also called stop motion. an optical effect or technique in which a single frame of film is reprinted in a continuous series, which when shown gives the effect of a still photograph. 2. a button… …   Useful english dictionary

  • freeze frame — freeze frame, adj. Television, Motion Pictures. 1. Also called stop motion. an optical effect or technique in which a single frame of film is reprinted in a continuous series, which when shown gives the effect of a still photograph. 2. a button… …   Universalium

  • freeze-frame — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: freeze (II) + frame (II) 1. : a frame of a motion picture film that is repeated so as to give the illusion of a static picture ; also : a static picture produced especially from a videodisc or videotape recording 2. :… …   Useful english dictionary

  • freeze — freeze1 [fri:z] v past tense froze [frəuz US frouz] past participle frozen [ˈfrəuzən US ˈfrou ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(liquid)¦ 2¦(food)¦ 3¦(machine/engine)¦ 4¦(weather)¦ 5¦(feel cold)¦ 6¦(wages/prices)¦ 7¦(money/property)¦ 8¦(stop moving)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • freeze — freeze1 [ friz ] (past tense froze [ frouz ] ; past participle frozen [ frouzn ] ) verb ** ▸ 1 when liquid turns solid ▸ 2 preserve by making cold ▸ 3 feel extremely cold ▸ 4 weather: reach 0°C ▸ 5 stop moving/working ▸ 6 stop officially ▸ 7 stop …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • freeze — I UK [friːz] / US [frɪz] verb Word forms freeze : present tense I/you/we/they freeze he/she/it freezes present participle freezing past tense froze UK [frəʊz] / US [froʊz] past participle frozen UK [ˈfrəʊz(ə)n] / US [ˈfroʊz(ə)n] ** 1)… …   English dictionary

  • freeze-frame — noun Date: 1948 1. a. a frame of a motion picture film that is repeated so as to give the illusion of a static picture b. a static picture produced especially from a videodisc or videotape recording 2. something resembling a freeze frame… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • freeze frame — noun A still frame or picture taken from a video, film, or motion picture …   Wiktionary

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