pictorial photography

pictorial photography
изобразительная фотография

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pictorial photography" в других словарях:

  • pictorial photography — photograph which is a unique work and has artistic value …   English contemporary dictionary

  • photography, history of — Introduction       method of recording the image of an object through the action of light, or related radiation, on a light sensitive material. The word, derived from the Greek photos (“light”) and graphein (“to draw”), was first used in the… …   Universalium

  • photography, technology of — Introduction       equipment, techniques, and processes used in the production of photographs.  The most widely used photographic process is the black and white negative–positive system (Figure 1 >). In the camera the lens projects an image of… …   Universalium

  • Pictorial turn — Als ikonische Wende bzw. iconic turn bezeichnet man analog zum Begriff der „linguistischen Wende“ Versuche der Bildwissenschaft zur Anerkennung des strukturierenden Charakters des Bildes. Der Begriff wurde 1994 von Gottfried Boehm in Wiederkehr… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pictorial maps — Recent example of Watercolour ink Geopictorial style illustrated map by Jean Louis Rheault Pictorial maps are a category of maps that are also loosely called illustrated maps, panoramic maps, perspective maps, bird’s eye view maps and… …   Wikipedia

  • Photography in Denmark — Peter Faber: Ulfeldts Plads (1840), Denmark s oldest photograph on record …   Wikipedia

  • PHOTOGRAPHY — The first photographer known to be of Jewish birth was solomon nunes carvalho , an American who in 1853–54 served as artist photographer with John C. Frémont s expedition to the Far West. However, the 19th century did not produce many… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Photography and photographers of the American Civil War — articleissues citations missing = February 2008 tone = December 2007 synthesis = April 2008The American Civil War (1861 ndash;1865) was the third war in history to be caught on camera. The first two were the Mexican American War (1846 ndash;1848) …   Wikipedia

  • pictorial representation — noun visual representation as by photography or painting • Syn: ↑picturing • Derivationally related forms: ↑picture (for: ↑picturing) • Hypernyms: ↑representation …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography — The Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography has been awarded since 1968 for a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album.Before 1968, there was …   Wikipedia

  • Pioneers of photography in the Philippines — The pioneers of photography in the Philippines were Western photographers, mostly from Europe. The practice of taking photographs and the opening of the first photo studios in Spanish Philippines, from the 1840s to the 1890s, were driven by the… …   Wikipedia

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