pick-up runner

pick-up runner
башмак подборщика

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pick-up runner" в других словарях:

  • pick off — {v.} 1. To pull off; remove with the fingers. * /He picked off the burs that had stuck to his overcoat./ 2. To shoot, one at a time; knock down one by one. * /The sniper picked off the slower soldiers as they came out into the road./ 3. To catch… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pick off — {v.} 1. To pull off; remove with the fingers. * /He picked off the burs that had stuck to his overcoat./ 2. To shoot, one at a time; knock down one by one. * /The sniper picked off the slower soldiers as they came out into the road./ 3. To catch… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pick\ off — v 1. To pull off; remove with the fingers. He picked off the burs that had stuck to his overcoat. 2. To shoot, one at a time; knock down one by one. The sniper picked off the slower soldiers as they came out into the road. 3. To catch a base… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pick — pick1 [pik] vt. [ME pykken, var. of picchen, to PITCH2] Weaving to throw (a shuttle) n. 1. one passage or throw of the shuttle of a loom 2. one of the weft threads, or filling yarns pick2 [pik] n. [ …   English World dictionary

  • pick-off — pick′ off n. spo a baseball play in which a base runner, caught off base, is tagged out by an infielder on a quick throw • Etymology: 1935–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • pick|off — «PIHK F, OF», noun. 1. a baseball play in which a runner is caught off base by a sudden throw from the pitcher or catcher: »They proved that a perfect pickoff at first could be foozled not once but again (New York Times). 2. an offensive play in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pick off — verb 1. shoot one by one (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑shoot, ↑pip • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody 2. pull or pull out sharply (Freq. 1) pluck the flowers off the bush …   Useful english dictionary

  • pick off — 1. verb a) An attempt to throw out a runner leading off a base. The pitcher attempted to pick off the runner at first, but he was safe. b) Successfully picking off a runner. The pitcher picked off the runner to get an out …   Wiktionary

  • pick — 1 /pIk/ verb (T) 1 CHOOSE STH to choose someone or something good or suitable from a group or range of people or things: Students have to pick three courses from a list of 15. | Let me pick a few examples at random. | pick your words (=be careful …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pick — pick1 pickable, adj. /pik/, v.t. 1. to choose or select from among a group: to pick a contestant from the audience. 2. to seek and find occasion for; provoke: to pick a fight. 3. to attempt to find; seek out: to pick flaws in an argument. 4. to… …   Universalium

  • pick — I [[t]pɪk[/t]] v. t. 1) to choose or select, esp. with care 2) to seek and find occasion for; provoke: to pick a fight[/ex] 3) to attempt to find; seek out: to pick flaws in an argument[/ex] 4) to steal the contents of: to pick a pocket[/ex] 5)… …   From formal English to slang

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