pick up the tab
Смотреть что такое "pick up the tab" в других словарях:
pick up the tab — (for (something)) to pay money for something. We shouldn t have to pick up the tab for the new road if only one family will be using it. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form pick up the bill (for something): Taxpayers will have to pick up the… … New idioms dictionary
pick up the tab — {v. phr.} To pay the bill in a restaurant; be the one who underwrites financially what others are doing. * / I am always the one who picks up the tab, Charlie complained bitterly. Others get away with being freeloaders. / Compare: FOOT THE BILL … Dictionary of American idioms
pick up the tab — {v. phr.} To pay the bill in a restaurant; be the one who underwrites financially what others are doing. * / I am always the one who picks up the tab, Charlie complained bitterly. Others get away with being freeloaders. / Compare: FOOT THE BILL … Dictionary of American idioms
pick up the tab — (chiefly N Am inf) To pay the bill • • • Main Entry: ↑tab * * * informal pay for something my company will pick up the tab for all moving expenses … Useful english dictionary
pick up the tab — A person who pays for everyone picks up the tab … The small dictionary of idiomes
pick up the tab — ► pick up the tab informal pay for something. Main Entry: ↑tab … English terms dictionary
pick up the tab — A person who pays for everyone picks up the tab. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you pick up the tab, you pay the bill or pay the cost of something. There was a celebration lunch for the team and Bill picked up the tab … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
pick up the tab for something — pick up the tab (for (something)) to pay money for something. We shouldn t have to pick up the tab for the new road if only one family will be using it. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form pick up the bill (for something): Taxpayers will have … New idioms dictionary
pick up the tab for — pick up the tab (for (something)) to pay money for something. We shouldn t have to pick up the tab for the new road if only one family will be using it. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form pick up the bill (for something): Taxpayers will have … New idioms dictionary
pick up the tab — pick up the bill/tab (US pick up the check) ► INFORMAL to pay for what has been bought, especially a meal in a restaurant: »The airline picked up the bill for the night spent at the hotel. Main Entry: ↑pick sth up … Financial and business terms
pick\ up\ the\ tab — v. phr. To pay the bill in a restaurant; be the one who underwrites financially what others are doing. I am always the one who picks up the tab, Charlie complained bitterly. Others get away with being freeloaders. Compare: foot the bill … Словарь американских идиом