- pick device
- вчт указка, устройство указания указка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pick|off — «PIHK F, OF», noun. 1. a baseball play in which a runner is caught off base by a sudden throw from the pitcher or catcher: »They proved that a perfect pickoff at first could be foozled not once but again (New York Times). 2. an offensive play in… … Useful english dictionary
pick|up — «PIHK UHP», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the act of picking up: »the daily pickup of mail. 2. Informal. the act or fact of getting better; improvement: »a pickup in his health, a pickup in business. 3. the act or fact of going faster; increase in… … Useful english dictionary
Pick — The word Pick may refer to:Tools and weapons* Pickaxe, a tool used for manual labour * Lock pick, a tool used for lock picking * Lock picking, the art of unlocking a lock without its intended key * Warded pick, a device for opening warded locks * … Wikipedia
pick-up — /ˈpɪk ʌp/ (say pik up) noun 1. Sport the act of fielding a ball after it hits the ground. 2. Radio a. the process of receiving soundwaves in the transmitting set in order to change them into electrical waves. b. a receiving or recording device as …
pick — pick1 pickable, adj. /pik/, v.t. 1. to choose or select from among a group: to pick a contestant from the audience. 2. to seek and find occasion for; provoke: to pick a fight. 3. to attempt to find; seek out: to pick flaws in an argument. 4. to… … Universalium
pick — I [[t]pɪk[/t]] v. t. 1) to choose or select, esp. with care 2) to seek and find occasion for; provoke: to pick a fight[/ex] 3) to attempt to find; seek out: to pick flaws in an argument[/ex] 4) to steal the contents of: to pick a pocket[/ex] 5)… … From formal English to slang
pick — I. verb Etymology: Middle English piken, partly from Old English *pīcian (akin to Middle Dutch picken to prick); partly from Middle French piquer to prick more at pike Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to pierce, penetrate, or break up with a … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pick-up — Pickup Pick up, or Pick up Pick up , n. [Colloq., Cant, or Slang] 1. Act of picking up, as, in various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. That which picks up; specif.: (Elec.) same… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pick clock — noun or pick counter Etymology: pick (V) : a device installed on a loom to determine the number of picks woven and thus the length of cut and amount of weaver s pay at a rate per thousand picks … Useful english dictionary
Pick — Arnold, Czechoslovakian psychiatrist, 1851–1924. See P. atrophy, P. bundle, P. disease. Friedel, German physician, 1867–1926. See P. bodies, under body, P. disease, P. syndrome. Ludwig, German physician, 1868–1935. See P. cell, Niemann P. cell,… … Medical dictionary
pick-up module — A trigger activated device which sends a signal to the ignition unit of an electronic ignition system … Dictionary of automotive terms