pick III
Смотреть что такое "pick III" в других словарях:
pick — I n. tool for breaking an ice pick II n. (colloq.) selection to take one s pick III v. 1) (C) ( to select ) pick a nice melon for me; or: pick me a nice melon 2) (d; intr.) to pick at ( to eat sparingly ) (to pick at one s food) 3) (D; tr.) ( to… … Combinatory dictionary
pick-up — [ pikɶp ] n. m. inv. • 1928; mot angl. (1867), de to pick up « ramasser, recueillir » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Techn. Dispositif servant à recueillir et transformer en courant variable des vibrations sonores enregistrées sur disques. ⇒ lecteur. Cour. Bras,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pick's disease — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = 10034 ICD10 = ICD10|G|31|0|g|30, ICD10|F|02|0|f|00 ICD9 = ICD9|331.11 ICDO = OMIM = 172700 MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = neuro eMedicineTopic = 311 MeshID = D020774 Pick’s disease, also known … Wikipedia
pick up — 1) PHRASAL VERB When you pick something up, you lift it up. [V n P] He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head... [V P n (not pron)] Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it. 2) PHRASAL VERB When you pick … English dictionary
pick — I [[t]pɪk[/t]] v. t. 1) to choose or select, esp. with care 2) to seek and find occasion for; provoke: to pick a fight[/ex] 3) to attempt to find; seek out: to pick flaws in an argument[/ex] 4) to steal the contents of: to pick a pocket[/ex] 5)… … From formal English to slang
pick — I. /pɪk / (say pik) verb (t) 1. to choose or select carefully. 2. to choose (one s way or steps), as over rough ground or through a crowd. 3. to seek and find occasion for: to pick a quarrel. 4. to seek or find (flaws) in a spirit of fault… …
pick — I. verb Etymology: Middle English piken, partly from Old English *pīcian (akin to Middle Dutch picken to prick); partly from Middle French piquer to prick more at pike Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to pierce, penetrate, or break up with a … New Collegiate Dictionary
pick — I. v. a. 1. Peck, pierce, strike at. 2. Pluck, pull off, pick off, gather. 3. Open (as a lock). 4. Choose, select, cull, single out, pick out, fix upon, pitch upon. 5. Clean, cleanse. 6. Gather up, collect, acquire, get. 7 … New dictionary of synonyms
pick — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. best, cream, flower, elite, choice; selection; pickax. See sharpness. v. t. select, choose; pluck, garner, gather; cull. See goodness, approbation. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [An implement for picking] Syn … English dictionary for students
pick — I Australian Slang begin a fight with (someone): Do you know who you re picking? II Mawdesley Glossary 1. to give a person a sharp thrust or push. 2. to find fault with a person persistently. III Cleveland Dialect List pitch: as black as pick … English dialects glossary
Niemann–Pick disease — Niemann Pick disease Classification and external resources ICD 10 E75.2 (ILDS E75.230) ICD 9 272.7 … Wikipedia