- physio-
- (тж. physi-) в сложных словах с греч. корнями имеет значение природа, естественный - physiotherapy физиотерапия - physiocrat физиократ - physitheism поклонение силам природы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
physio- — ♦ Élément, du gr. phusis « nature ». physio élément, du gr. phusis, nature . ⇒PHYSIO , élém. formant I. Élém. tiré du gr. «nature», entrant dans la constr. de termes sav. A. [Physio désigne la nature de l être vivant dans des termes de méd. et de … Encyclopédie Universelle
physio- — from Gk. physio , comb. form of physios nature (see PHYSIC (Cf. physic)) … Etymology dictionary
Physio... — Physio... (v. gr. Physis, Natur), natürlich, Natur … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
physio- — [fıziəu, ziə US ziou, ziə] prefix also physi [: Latin; Origin: Greek, from physis; PHYSICS] 1.) relating to nature and living things ▪ physiology (=study of how the body works) 2.) physical ▪ physiotherapy (=treatment using exercises etc) … Dictionary of contemporary English
physio- — [fıziəu, ziə US ziou, ziə] prefix also physi [: Latin; Origin: Greek, from physis; PHYSICS] 1.) relating to nature and living things ▪ physiology (=study of how the body works) 2.) physical ▪ physiotherapy (=treatment using exercises etc) … Dictionary of contemporary English
physio — ► NOUN (pl. physios) informal ▪ physiotherapy or a physiotherapist … English terms dictionary
physio- — [fiz′ē ō, fiz′ēə] [< Gr physis, nature: see PHYSIC] combining form 1. nature; natural [physiography] 2. physical [physiology, physiatrics]: Also, before a vowel, prefix combining form physi … English World dictionary
physio — [[t]fɪ̱zioʊ[/t]] physios 1) N COUNT A physio is a physiotherapist. [mainly BRIT, INFORMAL] The athlete is checked by their physio or doctor. Syn: physiotherapist 2) N UNCOUNT Physio is physiotherapy. [BRIT, INFORMAL] I have been for some physio … English dictionary
physio — UK [ˈfɪzɪəʊ] / US [ˈfɪzɪoʊ] noun Word forms physio : singular physio plural physios British informal 1) [countable] a physiotherapist 2) [uncountable] physiotherapy … English dictionary
physio- — a combining form representing physical or physiological in compound words: physiotherapy. [ < Gk physio comb. form of phýsis origin, form, natural order. See PHYSIS, O ] * * * … Universalium
physio... — phy|sio..., Phy|sio..., auch physi..., Physi..., vor Vokalen meist phys..., Phys... <aus gleichbed. gr. physio zu phýsis, vgl. ↑Physis> Wortbildungselement mit der Bedeutung »Natur; natürliche Beschaffenheit; Leben«, z. B. Physiografie,… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch