physical verification
Смотреть что такое "physical verification" в других словарях:
Physical verification — is a process whereby an IC layout design is checked via EDA software tools to see if it meets certain criteria. Verification involves DRC(Design rule check), LVS(Layout versus schematic), ERC (Electrical Rule Check), XOR (Exclusive OR), and… … Wikipedia
physical verification — The *examination of a *tangible asset in order to obtain evidence of its existence and condition. The term is often used synonymously with *physical inspection. See also Verification … Auditor's dictionary
physical verification — A procedure auditors use to ensure that inventory recorded in the book is correct by actually checking out the physical inventory. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Verification — The word Verify And Verification can refer to:* Verification and Validation: In engineering or a quality management system, verification is the act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, etc. to establish and document that a product, service, or… … Wikipedia
verification — An *examination of an activity or asset in order to obtain evidence of its existence, condition, or truth. Verification is an important *substantive test to obtain *audit evidence: Depending on the...circumstances, verification takes place… … Auditor's dictionary
physical inspection — The careful *examination of a *tangible asset. Physical inspection is an important means of gathering and *evaluating *audit evidence for inventory, *property plant, and equipment, and other assets. It is a form of *substantive testing. The term… … Auditor's dictionary
physical science — physical scientist. 1. any of the natural sciences dealing with inanimate matter or with energy, as physics, chemistry, and astronomy. 2. these sciences collectively. [1835 45] * * * Introduction the systematic study of the inorganic world … Universalium
Physical security — describes measures that prevent or deter attackers from accessing a facility, resource, or information stored on physical media. It can be as simple as a locked door or as elaborate as multiple layers of armed guardposts.Elements and designThe… … Wikipedia
Physical Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Scientists discovered a new family of superconducting materials and obtained unique images of individual hydrogen atoms and of a multiple exoplanet system. Europe completed the Large Hadron Collider, and China and India took… … Universalium
Physical geography — For other uses, see Physiographic regions of the world. True color image of the Earth s surface and atmosphere. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center image. Physical geography (also known as geosystems or physiography) is one of the two major… … Wikipedia
Physical design (electronics) — In electronics, physical design is the process of converting RTL (VHDL/Verilog) code to silicon.Modern day Integrated Circuit (IC) design is split up into Front end design using HDL s , Verification and Back end Design or Physical Design . The… … Wikipedia