physical state

physical state
состояние агрегатное

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "physical state" в других словарях:

  • Physical-to-Virtual — ( P2V ) describes the process of decoupling and migrating a physical server s OS, applications, and data from a physical server to a virtual machine guest hosted on a virtualization platform.Methods of P2V migrationManual P2V* User manually… …   Wikipedia

  • State of matter — A state of matter (or physical state, or form of matter) has physical properties which are qualitatively different from other states of matter.Traditionally, three states of matter were recognized: solid, which maintains a fixed volume and shape; …   Wikipedia

  • State observer — In control theory, a state observer is a system that models a real system in order to provide an estimate of its internal state, given measurements of the input and output of the real system. It is typically a computer implemented mathematical… …   Wikipedia

  • state — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 condition ADJECTIVE ▪ acceptable, fit, good, healthy ▪ She managed to get the company s finances into a healthy state. ▪ appalling (esp. BrE) …   Collocations dictionary

  • state of being — 1. adjective Regarding a persons physical condition 2. noun As opposed to mental condition (state of mind), the overall physical condition of a person. See Also: feel, intoxication, physical …   Wiktionary

  • physical science — physical scientist. 1. any of the natural sciences dealing with inanimate matter or with energy, as physics, chemistry, and astronomy. 2. these sciences collectively. [1835 45] * * * Introduction       the systematic study of the inorganic world …   Universalium

  • State of New York —     State of New York     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► State of New York     One of the thirteen colonies of Great Britain, which on 4 July, 1776, adopted the Declaration of Independence and became the United States of America.     BOUNDARIES AND… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Physical chemistry — is the study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of physical laws and concepts. It applies the principles, practices and concepts of physics such as motion, energy, force, time, thermodynamics …   Wikipedia

  • Physical force Irish republicanism — is a term used to describe the recurring appearance of non parliamentary violent insurrection in Ireland between 1798 and the present.Fact|date=June 2007 It is often described as a rival to parliamentary nationalism which for most of the period… …   Wikipedia

  • State and Church — • The Church and the State are both perfect societies, that is to say, each essentially aiming at a common good commensurate with the need of mankind at large and ultimate in a generic kind of life, and each juridically competent to provide all… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • State Sponsors of Terrorism — is a designation applied by the United States Department of State to nations who are designated by the Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism. [] Inclusion on …   Wikipedia

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