physical sector

physical sector
физический сектор (информационного носителя - в отлчие от логического)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "physical sector" в других словарях:

  • Sector slipping — is a technique used to deal with defective sectors in hard disk drives. Due to the volatility of hard disks from their moving parts and low tolerances some sectors become defective. Defective sectors can even come on hard disks from the factory… …   Wikipedia

  • Sector — may refer to: * Sector, Devon, a location in the county of Devon in south western England * Sector, West Virginia, an unincorporated community in Hampshire County, West Virginia, United States of America * Sector (economic): one of several… …   Wikipedia

  • Sector General — is a series of science fiction books created and written by the Northern Irish science fiction author James White. The series derives its name from the setting of the majority of the books, the Sector 12 General Hospital, a huge 384 level… …   Wikipedia

  • Sector model — The sector model also known as the Hoyt model was proposed in 1939 by economist Homer Hoyt. It is a model of urban land use and modified the concentric zone model of city development.Hoyt, H. (1939) The Structure and Growth of Residential… …   Wikipedia

  • Physical layer pipe — LA INSTITUCIÓN Y SU CONTEXTO La Corporación de Unidad Educativa para Jóvenes y Adultos con Énfasis en Sistemas Microempresariales “U.N.I.D.E.A.S” es una institución de naturaleza privada, prestadora del servicio público educativo, en la modalidad …   Wikipedia Español

  • Disk sector — Figure 1. Disk structures: (A) Track (B) Geometrical sector (C) Track sector (D) Cluster In computer disk storage, a sector is a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or optical disc. Each sector stores a fixed amount of user data.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bad sector — A bad sector is a sector on a computer s disk drive that cannot be used due to permanent damage, such as physical damage to the disk particles. It is usually detected by a disk utility software such as CHKDSK or SCANDISK on Microsoft systems, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Cylinder-head-sector — Cylinder head sector, also known as CHS, was an early method for giving addresses to each physical block of data on a hard disk drive. In the case of floppy drives, for which the same exact diskette medium can be truly low level formatted to… …   Wikipedia

  • Melfan (Sector General) — A Melfan (physiological classification ELNT) is one of about seventy known intelligent species in the fictional Sector General universe, and one of the most common species in Sector 12 General Hospital itself. Overall, a Melfan resembles a 6 foot …   Wikipedia

  • List of countries by GDP sector composition — NOTOC This is a list of countries by GDP sector composition based on nominal GDP estimates and sector composition ratios provided by the [ world factbook/index.html CIA World Fact Book] at market or… …   Wikipedia

  • Kelgian (Sector General) — A Kelgian (physiological classification DBLF) is one of about seventy known intelligent species in the fictional Sector General universe, and one of the most common species in Sector 12 General Hospital itself. Overall, A Kelgian resembles a… …   Wikipedia

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