- phyl-
- в сложных словах с греч. корнями имеет значение род, происхождение, генеалогия - phylogenesis филогенез - phylocobia обитание двух видов в одном убежище - phylarch филарх (глава филы)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
phyl — phyl·a·co·bi·o·sis; phyl·ephe·bic; phyl·lac·o·ra; phyl·lac·tin·ia; phyl·lade; phyl·lan·thus; phyl·la·ry; phyl·li·dae; phyl·lid·i·um; phyl·li·form; phyl·lin; phyl·line; phyl·lite; phyl·li·tis; phyl·li·um; phyl·lo·both·ri·oi·dea; phyl·lo·bran·chia; … English syllables
phyl... — phyl..., Phyl..., vgl. ↑phylo..., Phylo … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
-phyl — phyl·lum; … English syllables
phyl|lo|dy — «FIHL uh dee», noun. 1. the condition in which parts of a flower are transformed into ordinary leaves. 2. the condition in which a leafstalk is changed into a phyllode. ╂[< phyllode + y3] … Useful english dictionary
phyl- — combining form or phylo Etymology: Latin phyl , from Greek phyl , phylo , from phylē tribe, clan, phyle & phylon tribe, race; both akin to Greek phyein to bring forth more at be 1. : tribe … Useful english dictionary
phyl|lox|e|ra — «FIHL ok SIHR uh, fuh LOK suhr », noun, plural phyl|lox|e|rae «FIHL ok SIHR ee, fuh LOK suh ree». any one of a group of plant lice. The grape phylloxera destroys grapevines by infesting the leaves and roots. ╂[< New Latin Phylloxera the genus… … Useful english dictionary
Phyl|lis — «FIHL ihs», noun. a name in pastoral poetry for a comely rustic maiden or sweetheart. Also, Phillis. ╂[< Latin Phyllis, a girl s name in Virgil and Horace < Greek Phyllís (literally) foliage < phýllon leaf] … Useful english dictionary
phyl|lite — «FIHL yt», noun. a rock consisting of an argillaceous schist or slate, containing scales or flakes of mica. ╂[< Greek phýllon leaf + English ite1] … Useful english dictionary
phyl|lo|clade — «FIHL uh klayd», noun. 1. a flattened or enlarged stem or branch, resembling or performing the function of a leaf, as in the cactus. 2. = cladophyll. (Cf. ↑cladophyll) ╂[< New Latin phyllocladium < Greek phýllon leaf + kládos branch,… … Useful english dictionary
phyl|lo|clad — «FIHL uh klad», noun. = phylloclade. (Cf. ↑phylloclade) … Useful english dictionary
phyl|lode — «FIHL ohd», noun. an expanded and, usually, flattened petiole resembling and having the functions of a leaf, the true leaf blade being absent or much reduced in size, as in many acacias. ╂[< French phyllode < New Latin phyllodium < Greek … Useful english dictionary