Photovoltaics — (PV) is the field of technology and research related to the application of solar cells for energy by converting sunlight directly into electricity. Due to the growing need for solar energy, the manufacture of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays… … Wikipedia
Photovoltaics in transport — There are many applications of photovoltaics in transport either for motive power or as auxiliary power units, particularly where fuel, maintenance, emissions or noise requirements preclude internal combustion engines or fuel cells. Due to the… … Wikipedia
photovoltaics — /foh toh vohl tay iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) a field of semiconductor technology involving the direct conversion of electromagnetic radiation as sunlight, into electricity. 2. (used with a pl. v.) devices designed to perform such… … Universalium
photovoltaics — noun The technology of the conversion of sunlight into electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect … Wiktionary
Photovoltaics — A technology that directly converts light into electricity. The process uses modules, which are usually made up of many cells (thin layers of semiconductors) … Energy terms
photovoltaics — plural noun [treated as sing.] the branch of technology concerned with the production of electric current at the junction of two substances. ↘[treated as plural] devices having such a junction … English new terms dictionary
photovoltaics — pho·to·vol·ta·ics … English syllables
photovoltaics — pho•to•vol•ta•ics [[t]ˌfoʊ toʊ vɒlˈteɪ ɪks, voʊl [/t]] n. 1) phs (used with a sing. v.) a field of semiconductor technology involving the direct conversion of electromagnetic radiation, as sunlight, into electricity 2) phs (used with a pl. v.)… … From formal English to slang
photovoltaics — /ˌfoʊtoʊvɒlˈteɪɪks/ (say .fohtohvol tayiks) noun the study of the generation of electricity using light sources, especially the sun …
photovoltaics — ˌvälˈtāiks, vōl noun plural Etymology: photovoltaic + s (I) : photovoltaic cells or devices … Useful english dictionary
Concentrated photovoltaics — Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) technology uses optics such as lenses to concentrate a large amount of sunlight onto a small area of solar photovoltaic materials to generate electricity. Unlike traditional, more conventional flat panel systems,… … Wikipedia