photostat camera
Смотреть что такое "photostat camera" в других словарях:
Photostat — d un document à la fin de Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le Photostat ou appareil à Photostat est un système de reprographie développé dans les années 1900 par la société Photostat Corporation; Photostat étant la marque déposée de cette société mais la … Wikipédia en Français
Photostat machine — The Photostat machine, or Photostat, was an early projection photocopier created in the 1900s by the Photostat Corporation; Photostat which was originally a trademark of the company is also used to refer to the similar machines produced by the… … Wikipedia
camera — Synonyms and related words: Iconoscope, Kodak, Photostat, SLR, X ray machine, achromatic lens, aerial reconnaissance camera, astigmatic lens, astrograph, box camera, burning glass, camera obscura, candid camera, cinematograph, coated lens, color… … Moby Thesaurus
camera — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. See optical instruments. II (Roget s IV) n. Kinds of cameras include: camera obscura, astrograph, camera lucida, camcorder, cinecamera, X ray machine, image orthicon, photochronograph, photogrammeter … English dictionary for students
Photostat — photostater, photostatter, n. photostatic, adj. photostatically, adv. /foh teuh stat / 1. Trademark. a brand of camera for making facsimile copies of documents, drawings, etc., in the form of paper negatives on which the positions of lines,… … Universalium
Photostat — Pho•to•stat n. v. stat•ed txt>or</txt stat•ted, stat•ing txt>or</txt stat•ting. 1) pht trm Trademark. a camera for making facsimile copies of documents, drawings, etc., in the form of paper negatives 2) pht (often l.c.) a copy made… … From formal English to slang
photostat — /ˈfoʊtəstæt / (say fohtuhstat) noun 1. a special camera for making facsimile copies of maps, drawings, pages of books or manuscripts, etc., which photographs directly as a positive on sensitised paper. 2. a copy or photograph made with such a… …
Photostat® — A commercial reproduction in which a negative copy, white writing on a black background, is made directly on photosensitive paper. The process employs a special camera equipped with a lens and inverting prism. The inverting prism causes the… … Forensic science glossary
Herb Trimpe — Herbert Herb Trimpe (b. May 26, 1939 [ [ view=topic forumid=34 postid=154 CBGXtra Forums: Comics Industry Birthdays] . Accessed April 6, 2008] , Peekskill, New York… … Wikipedia
photoengraving — /foh toh en gray ving/, n. 1. a photographic process of preparing printing plates for letterpress printing. 2. a plate so produced. 3. a print made from it. [1870 75; PHOTO + ENGRAVING] * * * Any of several processes for producing printing plates … Universalium
photograph — [n] a still picture taken with a camera blowup, close up, image, Kodachrome*, Kodak*, likeness, microfilm, mug*, negative, photo, photostat, pic*, picture, pinup*, pix*, Polaroid*, portrait, positive, print, shot*, slide, snap, snapshot,… … New thesaurus